Saturday, November 9, 2013

Which One?

Oh My!
They look so much alike!
Which one is Melissa?

Oh Mom!
You know!
I'm the one "without" the really cute boots!

I think she may be giving me a hint!
What do you think?
She could have given me so many other answers!
 she is the one without the boots!

Sweet Melissa has been our 
"hold out".

First it was Madeline to say
"I love you"!
Then it was Mia!
It was hard for her to say but she did it and we know she means it 
(most of the time)!

But Melissa wasn't planning on saying it.
She was just fine without saying it...

4 months went by
then 5 months
then 6 months
then 7 months...
every night we kissed her goodnight and said
"I love you".

On September 1st we told her-
 when we say 
I love you
you say it back...

She giggled and said it.
And every night since then our girl says
"I love you".

It has finally become easy for her to say!

I am a believer that the more you say kind and loving things to others the more it becomes second nature- in other words the more you feel it and the more you live it. 

We decided to give it a try 
it worked!

Today is her first "for real birthday" with her forever family ; - )
We already had the party but would LOVE to read birthday wishes to her on her day!
If you can please comment!
Thank you!

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