Friday, November 22, 2013

The Orphanage Visit

Before we even begin-
I have to say that this orphanage is the nicest orphanage we have ever been too.
The orphanages through out China vary greatly.
Our son Sam and daughter Mia were from very very poor orphanages.
And it was heartbreaking...
In this post you will NOT see a poor and depressing environment.
you WILL see orphans.
And no matter what the environment is like
these children have no parents, 
no family and no body that truly cares and will love them forever.
They don't know Jesus and no matter how nice it is - it can not replace a family.

Before going to the orphanage they stopped at the store to get gifts to donate to the orphanage, for Ben's 2 best buddies and for the children in his class.

This is where our sweet boy slept.
There were 19 children in the room.
I am guessing he will do just fine in a room with his 3 brothers!

Ben was well liked at his orphanage.
He has a good personality and was loved by all.
He is saying goodbye to 2 of the younger children and telling the little girl in the red "to be a good girl"!

From what I have heard he does well in school. 
He seems to be a very compassionate and empathetic little boy. 
Sometimes I wonder if they learn this because they live this. 
Each child has a special need and they seem to be understanding, non judgmental and forgiving for others imperfections (because they know they are not perfect either).
What a beautiful example of turning a disability into an ability.

He gave a special gift to his two BFF's.

Everyone got a sucker!
I think it made his heart happy to give to his friends and classmates.

And then he gives a gift to his dear best friend, whom he is leaving forever...
My guess are that friends in an orphanage are more dear because they are like a brother or part of a made up family.

And of course, just like Sam he feels a need to show him how to use it!

They had an question and answer session for Ben. 
The children asked how he liked his new Babba and Gege?
He said he liked them very much!
Now that just melts my heart!

Then they put on a little show for Ben's new family.
His best buds are in the pic and the little girl has a family coming for her- praise GOD!

They did their show and then they sang "Happy Birthday" to Hubby!
It was his birthday!
Hubby loved it!
It is actually our older son Matt's b-day too!
Happy 30th Birthday Matt!
Yep, our first son was born on Hubby's birthday!
Perfect planning!
I gave him the best gift ever 30 yrs ago!

His shirt was a gift from his foster family.
He was very proud of it and it was decided that it was much too nice to wear on Gotcha day so hubby had him wear it on the visiting the orphanage day!

They did not get to meet the foster parents or say good bye to them.
This orphanage doesn't allow it.
But Ben has been in the orphanage for the last year. 
Once he started school and once his beloved foster sister met her forever family, he returned to the orphanage.
It must have been very hard for the foster parents and very hard for our dear son.
We know they loved both of the children very much.

The good news is we are in touch with the foster sister here in the USA! Once he is bonded and attached to his new family we are hoping to have a reunion!

The two boys intently played with the new toy!

This dear friend of Ben's will be paper ready soon!
His looks so sad, it breaks my heart...
He is 7 yrs old and is in need of heart surgery.

Please consider adopting him...
He needs a family!

Group picture!
God Bless these dear children!

And as a reward for letting them take pics ya have to have a silly one!

Forever friends...

And Ben just planted a big wet one (kiss) on his buddies cheek!
So as any self respecting young man would do- he had to wipe it off!

And then Ben decided to go in for a second kiss!

On the playground for the last time!

This sweet boy is ready for his family!
His heart is repaired and he needs someone to love him!
He is with CHSFS in St Paul, MN!

One last pic outside of the orphanage...
He is sad...
Goodbye's are hard...
Okay, I am crying for him, for all the goodbyes he had to say and for the loss he feels...

God Bless you sweet boy!
We will forever love you and take care of you!

On a happier note-
 they are in GZ now!
They are fine and all is well!
Praising GOD!

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