Wednesday, November 27, 2013

9 More Days. . . but whose counting!

I begged and whined for pictures!
I needed them!
I am having my own little pity party tonight...
I know, there is so much to be thankful for...
I miss my hubby and really want our family all together.
I am already looking forward to next Thanksgiving!

9 more days and we will all be together!
There is two ways of looking at it.
#1. NINE more lonely, grueling, grey days until they come home
#2. Nine more days to get ready and prepare for our two new treasures!

I NEED to choose #2 for my sanity!

Mark is a hero!
He is so much fun!

Hubby even said, "Mark was a better choice to bring than anyone else..."
You know what that means, right?
Even better than me!
A hem, A hem... (major throat clearing)

I could NOT have created this much fun!
So maybe they're right!

Mark has become a play toy!
They are both going to be so bummed that he doesn't live with us!
Mia, Melissa and Madeline were so sad...
And they wondered when he would be coming back!
Mia wanted to marry him...
We had to make it clear


She is so embarrassed about that now!

Of course, in time they got used to it ...  but it was another little adjustment!

Because he is so much fun... they don't want to listen to him... at all...
So when they don't get what they want...
 they pout...
in a very adorable way!

And then to top it off...
Dad starts taking pictures.
Cause Momma asked for them ; - )
They or he was not happy about this.
This is one of the stories they will laugh about once they are home.
But for now, really Dad? 
Can you PLEASE stop taking pictures!

Hubby is trying to have a few rules now and trying to prepare them for coming home.
This was over the room key.
He didn't get it...
Seriously Honey, how could you be so mean!

I asked him if he has explained to them, through the guide, that Momma is home taking care of the other children ; - )
That's a respectable motherly thing to do... RIGHT!

Hubby's response... 
Nope, they think Momma is on TV(computer)!

Joey likes to do everything himself!
Just like Sam!
So when he tied his pants in a knot and then had to go to the bathroom...
there was a bit of a problem!
I'll leave it at that!

I asked them to describe the boys.
They decided to do it in the form of beverages.
Ben is a strawberry smoothie!
And Joey is a triple expresso!

A strawberry smoothie I can handle!
I need to get myself ready for my triple expresso!

Bring it/ him on!

In the end...

 We do what 
good parents do while in China!


HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg!

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