Saturday, November 16, 2013

Let The Journey Begin!

it has begun!
They left early Saturday morning and will arrive in Hangzhou Sunday evening (Sunday Morning our time)!

Sam and Luke are so excited for their new brothers!

Except Sam was feeling like this toy should maybe stay home! 

With him!

Hubby and I spent the afternoon together on Friday.
We went out to lunch and ran last minute errands.
We just needed to be "together".

As our time ended and we went home, we both felt like,
"okay, let this journey begin"!
Let's do this!
It's time to get our boys and it's time to bring them home!

We have tried skype a couple times and it's worked!
Even all the way from Germany!
So glad, 
hoping it works from China, too!

We are so thankful that Mark could travel with Hubby! 
He needed a another person and Sarah and I needed to stay home.
(Sarah because she is bossy ; - ) and me because I am busy caring for all the other children!)

6:30 am they left for the airport!
Billy drove them!
Thank you Billy!

They flew to Detroit and had a short layover.
By 11:00 am they took off for Beijing!
They have a 4 hour layover and then they go to Hangzhou to meet this cute little boy below!

On Monday, November 18th this boy will be with his forever Daddy!
Can't wait to Skype and see him on the other end of my computer!

And here is the photo of him that took my breath away!
We prayed for him, advocated for him and still he sat and sat on the waiting child list!

Although we are sad for him that he had to wait so long.
We are thankful that he is ours and in approximately 24 hours he will meet his Babba(Daddy) and Gege(Big brother)!

Praising GOD!

On Monday, November 25th this little boy will be with his Daddy and big brother, too!


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