Monday, November 18, 2013

Gotcha Day Pics and Happy Birthday Luke!

He was waiting at the civil affairs office for his new Daddy and big brother!
No tears, just smiles!

He had his photo album with him (thank you Jesus) and he knew them right away!
When they have the photo album it makes it so much easier!
Our Mia never got her photo album and she had no idea who we were or what we looked like.
Gotcha day was terrifying for her and it took her awhile to warm up.

 Ben is even more like Sam than I thought!
He seems to have a good sense of humor and a fun personality!
He can read Chinese!
As a homeschooling Momma this really helps!
If he can read in Chinese he will mostly learn quickly how to read in English!

I always think of more question after we are done visiting. I'm going to have to start writing them down so I can ask Hubby when we talk!

Ben was born with spina bifida. He can walk just fine but not run or hop.
After he has been home for a week, we are going to the SB clinic so they can evaluate his situation and they will do whatever they can do to help him!
I have already let the physical therapists know that he will be coming in January!

I was all excited for another update but once we skyped I realized they had been sleeping all of our day.
As we are going to bed they are just getting started!

There are not any other adopting families in Hangzhou right now, so that is too bad. It's fun to see other adopting families and to support each other and then the children can interact and play. I think it will be really nice when they get to Guangzhou! From all the travel approvals that arrived at the same time as ours, they should have a wonderful group to hang out with!

Today they will sign the paperwork so he is forever our son!
Praise GOD!

My forever baby turned 5 today!

Happy Birthday Lukey!
You are a treasure and we are so blessed to have you as our son!

We did not do a special outing, just the regular schedule- we already had the big party.
Without Dad as back up I am trying to not over do things. 
We did school in the morning and had our therapies in the afternoon.
Little Anna had a nasty molar pulled today.
It was a bit traumatic for her and kinda for me, too.
But it was over in a couple seconds.
(That's usually Dad's job.)

Abby also lost a tooth today BUT we heard on the news that the tooth fairy is very busy and not in the area at the moment. So we will leave our teeth under the pillow when Mom has some dollar bills- I mean when the tooth fairy is back in MN!

We all had cupcakes for dessert!

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!
It is so much fun being your Momma!

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