Monday, November 4, 2013

Orphans No Longer!

This is what we did on Orphan Sunday...

At first I felt bad because I wasn't doing anything special for that day.

And when I began to put up the photos for this post I realized that 
we were doing something very special for this day.

Three more orphans came home this year!

And three more orphans were celebrating their first birthday with their forever family!
(They do not celebrate birthdays in China.)

This little girl has never had a pile of presents just for her!

And the same goes for this sweet girl!

And of course neither has this dear child...

Sam has adjusted to his new life... without a problem!
He doesn't miss a beat and tends to be the life of the party!
He is a hoot!

The big kids were admiring our photos from Disney!
We had the time of our life!

Since Hubby and Mark are leaving soon for China we decided to have a joint party before they left!
(one more attempt to streamline things during that time)

Thank you Mark for accompanying Dad to China!
You are a wonderful big brother and you have a heart of gold!

So happy Auntie Barbie could join us!

Let the fun begin!

Sometimes it is hard for the new children to know how to accept gifts.

In the past we have found that they gave their gifts away.
Sometimes it can be too much pressure and they get over stimulated- and they begin to hide and giggle.

We talked about it beforehand.
How to open, how to act and how to say thank you!

They are did such a great job and were very gracious.

They took turns opening and admiring the other persons gifts.

They said lots of thank you's!

And of course Sam likes to help out...
even when Luke may not want his help!

We don't like to overdue the gifts but these children needed "their time" to celebrate!

Auntie Barbie gave Mia a gift card to Claires!
Looks like pierced ears will be in her future!

 Johnny has been injured all soccer season. He has been cheering on his teammates (character building)... he can hardly wait until next year when he can be on the field too!

No way!
You got Molly!

And you got Saige!

To heck with the personal space!

The crowd continues to get closer and closer!

YAY! It's just what you asked for big boy!

And we have Caroline!
Time to unpack the other children's American girl dolls!
Let's Play!

Her very first bike!
Now all the newbies have their own bikes!
We ready for next spring!
Oh wait... we still have the rest of Fall and Winter - Oh ugh!

With so many we have to divide up and eat at different spots!
Some were at the counter.

 The littles loved their table!
The rest of the family was at the large round table.

Madeline and Luke chose an ice cream cake!

Mia and Melissa chose chocolate cake!

Happy Birthday Mia, Melissa, Madeline and Luke!

They loved having the Happy Birthday song "sung to them"!

Now it's time for bed!
We are so very blessed to be their Mommy and Daddy!
To be able to tuck them in each night!
Sleep tight dear children!

There are so many children that need parents or a parent.
Someone to love them and to take care of them.
Someone to tuck them in bed at night.
Please consider adoption.

Put your trust in HIM!

(Sorry this post is soooo lonnnnggggg! I guess that's what happens when celebrating 4 birthdays at once!!)

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