Saturday, November 30, 2013

Feeding The Fish!

One of the children's favorite things to do at the Garden Hotel in Guangzhou is to feed the fish!

We have picture of Mia, Melissa and Madeline feeding the fish, too.
It's just fun, simple and relaxing!
And... kind of biblical!

For some reason I have thought,
 they would come home and we would...
be back to normal.
Maybe because I/we am home and everything is pretty much 
"the same" here except we're missing Hubby.
I am beginning to realize that 
Hubby and sons are not going to hit the ground running but instead they will be exhausted with jet lag.

So my thoughts of -
Great, they will be home on the 6th.
We can get the tree on the 7th
We can decorate the house on the 8th.
Have a party on the 9th.

It just isn't gonna happen!

Reality check!
We will have the same adjustment period that all families have and that's okay because it's necessary!
I am saying this to prepare myself for the adjustment period.

The first month, two months, three months and four months are challenging as they learn how 
a family works and the family rules.
It is all, so new to them and with 11 siblings ready to run and hug them it will be a bit overwhelming for our two new boys.

Since Sarah was not in China this time, 
it will be interesting to see if anyone's Chinese returns and if they are able to speak to the new boys?
Sadly, they are "speechless" on Skype when it comes to Chinese.
It shocked our new boys - the children looked Chinese but didn't return conversation in Chinese.

This little guy(above) is very sweet,  athletic and smart

He needs to clean up his language!
And I am NOT talking about speech therapy!
Hubby and Mark had no idea until some men were laughing at what he was saying...

Looks like Ben got splashed in the face!

This little boy(above) is a rule follower!
Whereas Joey is an outta the box thinker.

 I love challenges!
And integrating these two dears into our large family will definitely provide a challenge!
It is so awesome to see GOD prevail and redemption happen right in front of my own very eyes!

The little guy below we be an incredible son - 
just you wait and see!

And this will be the last picture 
with his tongue like that!

I think he is adorable but I'm not a fan of the tongue sticking out...!
I think this dear boy desperately needed a family.
I think he has a lot to learn and he will, 
in time, 
learn it!
Hubby has tighten up on some of the behaviors and he is already responding well!

Luke just said
Hey, I have that shirt too!
Ummm, yes you did ;-)
(while he put the pieces of the puzzle together...)
Hey, I liked that shirt...
Don't worry honey, they will bring it home!

Our two little fish, 
"get fed" with the love of Jesus!

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