Sunday, November 10, 2013

Is it a GIRL or is it a BOY???

Let the FUN begin!!

Katie and Andrew will find out what they are having on Thanksgiving Day!

Hopefully, we will be skyping with them and share the JOY!

Hubby and our crew in China will be sleeping at that time and will find out the wonderful news once the wake up!

Either way, we are blessed!

We will share with YOU soon after that!
(That would be after they tell everyone in the whole world that they have ever known... BUT, I am sure they will be telling them quickly!)
hint, hint
cuz ya know... I gotta tell my peeps!

So here is babies back side... pretty cute!
I know!
Look at that sweet little ear on the left and that precious right arm reaching up!

And here is baby once again in a 3-D pic... which all of our children at home quickly reacted with a
Sorry honey!
You're a photographer...
 you know that baby will have better pics!

Obviously, those fontanels need to close a bit  ; - ) !

So here are our guesses!
The happy couple have vacillated a bit.
First they said boy and now they say girl...

What do you think "it" is?

Can't wait to tally it up and report the results!

After this!
Is the Name Game!!
Oh My,
we are going to have sooooo
much fun!

(Melissa LOVED her birthday wishes! Thank you!)

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