Thursday, November 28, 2013

So Much To Be Thankful For!

So thankful for these 11 treasures that are home with me!

Our two Guilin girls have come such a long way!
They are doing so well and they are so happy!
They are growing up and becoming lovely young ladies!

We had a wonderful day!
Auntie Barbie took us out for Thanksgiving Dinner!

It was such a treat!
No cooking, no messy kitchen and no unneeded stress!
It was a perfect fit for this year!

The children love their Auntie!

So thankful for these two big girls!
They are such a joy and so much fun!
They are both so capable and helpful!

 I'm thankful to be in a picture ; - )
I was getting photos ready for a post placement report and... I wasn't in any of them.
China likes to see the Momma with the kids every once in a while!

Our thanksgiving crew of 14!

I am thankful for this fun event!
We skyped with Katie and Andrew as the found out if their baby was a boy or a girl!

And there was pink frosting in the center of the cake!
It's a girl!

Thankful for new neighbors that don't yell awful things at us from the other side of the street!

Our new neighbor just whinnies and neighs!
Praise GOD!

Thankful for my strawberry smoothy boy and triple expresso boy- (who is now becoming only a double expresso as he gets more comfortable)!
In other words our two treasures in China that will be coming home in 8 days- but who's counting, right!

Thankful for these two guys that are in China right now with our boys above!

Thankful for this adorable couple and how much the enjoy the children!

Thankful for the two love birds in Colorado!
Can't wait for June 28th!

Thankful for how well these three are doing!
This pic is from June!
They have changed so much since then!
Wow, are they growing up fast!

I am so thankful for my Hubby of 31 plus years!
He is the man of my dreams!

Thankful to God for HIS continuous love, for HIS kept promises and for HIS many blessings!

I could go on and on!
There truly is so much to be thankful for!

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