Sunday, November 17, 2013

We Have Benjamin (Xiao Han) AND . . .

We skyped!

He is beautiful, funny, talkative and happy!
No tears, so far!

I was so thrilled to hear the Skype bell ringing!
I met my little boy first and right away he said
"I love you Momma"!
Ya, I know...
 he doesn't even know me yet BUT 
he already has my heart!
And he obviously is a smart and charming little boy!

Then we had the big boys- Billy and Johnny say hello to their new little brother!

And then...
the word spread!

He looked at everyone and said in Chinese-
"That's a lot of people!"

He knows some English!
I love you Momma!
Good Morning!
Good Afternoon!
Good Evening!
His ABC's 
and counting to 6!

He talked to the children
at that very moment they forgot 
(We should have practiced!
We will be practicing!)

We said
"Children ask him how old he is!"
in English
sweet Mia said,
"How old are you?"
Gotta love it!
We meant in
Chinese, honey!

Feeling very blessed and my heart is at peace!
We have one of our boys!
It's a good feeling!

Looks like he has some new front teeth!
Soooo cute!

He is active, busy and full of happy energy!
I think he is going to be a perfect fit for our family!
Can you imagine all of our boys together!
What a happy and fun thought!

He started to sing a song in Chinese and all of the children joined in and sang it with him!
It was so cute!

He is trying to teach Mark some Chinese!
Mark actually learned a few phrases before leaving for China!

Amazed that Skype is working!
So thankful!
They are visiting the orphanage on Thursday!

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