Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's Official!!

Xiao Han (Ben) is our son!!
It's a done deal!

We are all so very happy! 
Can you hear us cheering all the back in America!

And he is looking pretty happy about it too!

This was their Tuesday event!
On Thursday they will visit the orphanage and bring gifts!

We have met this guide before, he name is Savor!
When Katie and I were in Nanjing meeting Sarah! We had Nancy and the other family had Savor!
Nancy and Savor were friends so we did a few things together!
Now that I am remembering back... I have to giggle! 
Our Sarah was quite the handful and I am pretty sure I had to ask the family that Savor was with to "please do not hold my new child's hand and please don't give her money"!
Kinda uncomfortable BUT I had to do it!

Oh yes, it's true! 
Sarah was not too crazy about her new Momma! 
(Although she loved her sister Katie!)
She would not hold my hand and she barely acknowledged my existence!
We battled for the alpha female spot!
When we were at a little amusement area Sarah rode on the rides.
Once I ran out of quarters I was of no use to our sweet girl so she went up to the nice Grandma(from the other family) and held her hand and asked her for more quarters!
Sarah was definitely streetwise, resourceful and a survivor!
She is not going to be happy with me, that I told this story!
Oh well, 
we all love to tease each other about our time in China!!
Mia laughs about our China time with her!
That was eventful, too!

They ALL want to know "their China story"- it is such an emotional head spinning time for the newly adopted child, they barely remember it!

I hope Daddy and Mark have some good stories to tell!
Benjamin and Joseph will want to hear them in about 6 months!

Be still my heart!
I love my boys!

Looks like they found a Starbucks!

I love that he is happy and willing to hold hands and be near his Daddy!
It's a great start to bonding!
Looking forward to my turn!

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