Monday, November 25, 2013

They have Joseph (Xiao Ling)!

They met our dear boy at 2:00 this afternoon!
He arrived with a smile on his face, to tears!

Joseph was as sweet as can be on Skype- he gave his Momma lots of kisses! 
He said some English words, including I love you Momma!
He chattered away in Chinese- it seemed to be clear as a bell!
Whew- no speech for these two boys!

When I talked back to him he was a bit disappointed- I didn't speak Chinese! So he tried a few English words and I went through my little repertoire of Chinese words!

The boys did let me know that Joseph is active... very very active!
Today is an extremely exciting day so hopefully he will calm down a little bit in the days to come ;-)

Ben and Joseph can talk together- so that is good!
Sometimes the dialects are very different in other parts of China and they cannot always understand each other. Thankfully they can chat away!

He is very social and curious! While checking out the shower fully clothed he turned it on and got a bit wet!

He likes to get his way and can be a little stubborn!
Now that makes 14 of us that like to get our way- the Momma and all the children that live here!
Should be interesting!

Most of the children woke up and said hello to their new didi (little brother). 

Dear Hubby could not remember our new son's middle name... 
details, details, details- that's just not hubby's thing!
Let's just say that they need to change the paperwork tomorrow ;-)
No honey... it's not Peter or Jacob!
It's Michael ;-)

We are so excited to have this sweet boy in our family!
Thank you Jesus!

(Hope to be getting gotcha day pics soon!
hint hint- Mark!)

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