Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's Official- He Is Ours!

Both Hubby and Joseph agreed and he is ours!
So thankful that we are blessed with this sweet boy!

Look at those size 4 sweat pants on my 5 yr old!
I am surprised they are even staying up!

I am feeling abundantly blessed by all that is happening on the other side of the world!

This boy is precious and just like ALL OF THE OTHER ORPHANS- 
He needs and deserves a family!
They need and deserve a family!
Christians step up and help these children!

Both of our boys have special needs.
Special needs that would turn away families-
 BUT look at them!
They are amazing!

Love this pic!
So... if your wondering how this will affect your older children?
Just look at this pic!
Yes, it will affect them in ways that are beyond divine!

Giddy up!
if there are any doubts regarding dual adoption...
Please look at this!
Dual Adoption works!
It is good for the children!
They bond, they support each other while the parents are also bonding with the children and supporting each other.

They have memories together and later share their stories and laugh.
Can you imagine our last adoption trip if it would have only been Mia!
Oh, heaven forbid!
It was so hard on Mia-
any amount of attention we gave her wouldn't have helped.
She needed time and the distractions of the others.
She needed to see them trusting us and wanting us as parents, so that she could then follow along.
She needed to see how" this family thing" worked!
AND how is she doing now?
She is doing fantastic!

once these two are home there will be a few more rules than they are having right now!

They just look like so much fun!
Can't wait!
We are now over halfway!


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