Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sightseeing in Hangzhou!

Hangzhou is a beautiful city! It is located in Zhejiang Province- south of Shanghai.

Today they went boating on this lake!
 There is a park with gardens surrounding it!

The boys are doing such a good job taking pictures! 
I think they are better at it than me!

After the boat ride they went to the tea groves.
It is absolutely beautiful there- much like our Napa Valley in CA!

Ben is doing really well with hubby and big bro!
He is trying to say English words and counts to 20 now!

Here are the tea groves behind Ben!
The pics are a day behind- they have already visited the orphanage- I can hardly wait to receive those pics!
They are excited to get to GZ to see other families!
Ben needs buddies to play with cause Mark is getting tired!
He will have many play partners once he is home, YAY!

Hubby sightsees by day and works by night all the way from China.
Praying he is getting enough rest.

We are doing well at home.
I didn't cut out enough things and actually it has been a bit crazy. So I am looking at slimming down more so on...
Ya know, my carpooling buddy is in CHINA right now... so I'm driving everyone both ways to everything.
And in our family... those Dr appts NEVER EVER END!

Hubby has been the dinner cook for about 10 years now.
However, I am doing a bang up job and they are liking Mom's dinners!
Thank you Costco!

Not sure what he is drinking in this pic but wondering if it's tea?
We are almost 1/3 done, but then whose counting ;-)

Thank you for your prayers!
They are so appreciated!

(Can't wait to get the new pics!)

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