Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Zoo!

No, I'm not talking about our room or our children!
We actually went to the Guangzhou Zoo!
Although, the way they play with the other kids in the hall you'd think it was a zoo!
Many other adoptive families are on our floor! 
Once again the children are all having fun playing together!

We had been there before in JULY... we didn't see any animals that time because it was so hot they were all inside!
This time the weather in GZ has been perfect!
Sunny and about 68-72 degrees!
ALL the animals were out and active!

First we toured on the tram!
All of the girls loved the animals!
They were always pointing out something to us!

After the tram ride we walked around the zoo as a family. These two are trying to figure out the map so they can tell us where to go!

 They are so adorable together!
I think they really felt they better help us out or who knows where we would all end up!

They had quite the pow wow over this map!

Our communication is getting quite good now. Even though we don't speak the same language. We have some key words, some signs and charades is working too!
Sarah is also very helpful with short sentences and individual words!
All three girls are starting to repeat English words!

Katie is a lot of fun! The kids are really enjoying her!!
We are so glad she was able to join us!
I am excited to go home and see the children but then I lso have to say goodbye to Katie again.
Plus she won't be home for 4 months- to us that is really a long time.

Mia didn't want to be in the pictures today. That's okay. I know she will be disappointed in the future when she looks back at these and she is not in very many of them. BUT, I can't force her and she is making such good progress. Soon, I will be able to take as many pic as I want of her!

Now Daddy is in on the directions game!
FYI- the map was wrong but we saw what we wanted to see anyways!
And we made it back to the bus on time!!

I know this is one of God's creatures... but really???

After the zoo we went out for lunch as a group. We are now with three other families! They are super nice and we are enjoying our time with them! Lunch was very good! The children are loving the food! 
What a shock it will be when they come home to my cooking- Oh dear!

It was such a perfect day we took a walk to the big park!
It was our first time there.

It is always so interesting in the parks in China.
Adult playing hacky sac, badmitton, games, singing.
Children in split pants. Grandparents with their grandchilden.
Momma's pushing their baby's in strollers. People playing musical instruments, dancing and exercising.
So much to see!
And to the Chinese people we are quite a site! We have had telephoto lenses pointed at us a number of times, even videoed with an iphone at McD's and at the park.

And then of course their are always kiddy rides! Which were a big hit!
Sarah and Mia have no clue they are actually too big for them. I'm glad- I want them to completely enjoy being a kid. They will grow up soon enough.

Both Melissa and Madeline can do the center splits! Mia can do a cartwheel- she is very coordinated. Actually all three of them are very coordinated! I brought plenty of pretty bandaids and have hardly used them.

It was another great day!!

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