Friday, January 4, 2013

Bringing in the New Year! (Or is it Ringing in the New Year?)

After Christmas Matt and Caitlin visited us!
We talked about their wedding and did some taste testing at a local "food made in Mn" restaurant!
The food was fantastic!
It was so much fun!

Their wedding will be completely different than Katie and Andrew's wedding.
Less formal (in fact probably very casual), probably outside, only 1-2 attendants for each of them.
They are just beginning the planning process. We look forward to hearing more and more of their decisions as they are made!

We had a New Years Eve Party and we invited some very rowdy guests!

They stayed up to 10pm, it was a big deal to them!
(Shhhhh, don't anyone tell them they are supposed to stay up to 12:00)

We had party hats and blowers!

We made lots of noise to bring in the New Year!

Then we toasted 2013 with sparkly apple juice!

Everyone loved the party!

And they loved their juice!

And they loved making lots of noise!

And they loved their party hats!

I love this happy picture of Emma!

And they love the festive atmosphere!

And sweetie, you have reason to celebrate!
Praise God for he has been so good to us!

Truly 2012 was miraculous!
Praying for a blessed 2013!

And then they cheered to each other!


and again...

and again!

Then they digressed and 

and played with their plastic glasses!

One was as cute as the next!

 Until their Momma made them go outside and yell...




And it was so cold on their little feet that some of the children did not like it one single bit!
(Sorry Luke)

So we quickly went inside!!

And then it was bed time!


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