Monday, January 21, 2013

Meet Madeline!

I was not as nervous with meeting Madeline as I was with the other two but...
 it was every bit as exciting! 

I am always amazed at how our God works and know that in every way HE IS IN CONTROL!
We are just so thankful to HIM!
We think we have just the right combinations of personalities after today!

We went to the civil affairs office and sat down- she was there playing in the playroom behind the curtain...
And when it was time they brought her out!

This was the beautiful face that looked back at us!
Madeline is so precious! She is just as sweet as can be!
No tears and she went straight to her Babba!

She seemed so peaceful and happy! She loved that so many people had come to meet her!
With so many sisters from China she felt comfortable right away!
They had 5 bags with her! All the gifts we sent, extra clothes, the photo album, school work, artwork, stuffed animals and MORE!!
Each adoption on this journey has been so different and unique.

She has just gotten over chicken pox- poor dear! 
And now has a bit of a cough and lingering cold.

Madeline sat next to Babba on the way back to the hotel.
He decided he was going to hold this one right away before she was afraid of him- she loves it when he carries her! Hey- if the youngest one isn't afraid of Daddy how can the others be? 
Maybe they will follow along!

While hubby did paperwork with our guide, we played!
She loved the sticker book we brought for her!

These two played war with the cards! They saw Hubby and Sarah do it so they copied it- so cute! Mia shuffled the deck and she had cards going every which way ;-)
They had to ask us which one was worth more the jack or the queen?

I was happy that she allowed me to snap some pics of her!

And this pic above is solely so you can see the set of eyelashes on this girl! Sarah noticed them right away! Oh, how we would all love to have eyelashes like this!!

 I think ya'll are beginning to get to know our Melissa!
She pretty much dances her way through the day!
Right now she is trying to teach Mark Chinese! She is hysterical!
We could fix her hair another way BUT pigtails are "who she is"! They fit her perfectly!
I have never met such an animated little girl!

And this one is about as sweet as they get!

Already their competitive sides are coming out!
Mia had a much better day- praise God!
Although hubby and I are not on the top of the "like" list, she is having a hard time not liking the rest of the family!
We skyped with everyone at home and she pretended not to be too interested but got lots of peaks in at the family at home!

And then the neighbors stopped by!! (Vickie and Susan's family!)
They are leaving on Thursday and we will really miss them ;-(

After the impromptu party we went to the garden outside!

I will post another time on the fun we have had at the garden!

Feeling VERY thankful to GOD!

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