Saturday, January 19, 2013

More Smiles!

God completely amazes me!
 A miracle is unfolding in front of our eyes!

 Look at this picture! She happily came over next to her sister and smiled so I could take this picture!
It warms my heart to see these two finally together!

Mia occasionally will do something she is not supposed to do...
Like pulling the emergency alarm in the bathroom!
The manager called and came up to make sure everything was okay in our room... (insert uncomfortable smile)!

She is very good at bargaining with her ge ge Mark!
She often gets more tosses on the bed and more flips in the air than he was planning on! It's hard to turn down her smile!

She can be a little sneaky and try to use our phones to call someone- thank goodness it didn't work!
Other fams before us recommended not letting them(the adopted children from this orphanage) call- we agree- no calling the special person at the orphanage!

At BKF she went to the bathroom without telling us. We thought she was getting more food but then she didn't come back. 10 minutes later she strolled into the restaurant- I told her no and held her hand back to the table. She acknowledged the no and was fine with holding my hand. 
Being overly firm is not necessary with Mia- she is getting it!

 Melissa loves the yes/ no pretend arguments! 
She gets that in real situations Mom and Dada win!
But it is fun to tease and try to get our(her) way!
She is quick witted and usually dances her way through a room. 
She loves gum and candy!
She is going to need some major dental work done!

She knows how to read in Chinese and do her math facts! She is going to make me look like a better teacher than I actually am- YAY!!

She fits into a size 6 clothes- she is skinny but taller than Anna and Abby.

 This sweet girl sucks her thumb! When she is tired or stressed she pops her right thumb in her mouth!
She loves her build a bear and blanket on her bed.

She takes the ipad to the toilet with her and plays it while... well you know what I mean!

She is a bit restless but is her attention span is getting better.

She understands no and shakes her head acknowledging what we are saying.
She doesn't pull away anymore.

I bought the right size clothes for her- yay! Size 8 jeans and size med/large tops.

She smells her hands constantly ;-) I am thinking it is because of the soap... I hope!

Every once in a while a finger finds her nose- we remove it and say a gentle no ;-)

She gets car sick a lot. She is not used to riding in the car and needs to sit next to the window for fresh air.

She is a messy messy eater! But she enjoys her food so much we just go with the flow! We will save the manners lesson for home!

Mia loves to chomp on gum! She is a great eater when she likes the food!
Although I think sugar is her favorite!

We have a dental appt for her when we get home... I am guessing she will need major work done!
 She loves her new camera and takes pics of everything- even TV shows!

Mia likes to use the TV controller and will sometimes try to pic out older soap opera type shows but we have said no- it's only kids TV and cartoons for us!

 Sarah and Mark are roommates! She gets to stay up a little later and play a game with her big brother!

All the new girls are in our room! I want to keep them close!!

With every passing moment things get better and better!
So thankful to God!

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