Thursday, January 31, 2013

DAY 21...

YAY!! We are done with our Consulate Appointment!
It went smoothly!!

Then it was off to the Botanical Gardens!  The children are pictured here with Selena!

We are excited to go home BUT we don't want to say Goodbye to Katie ; - (

The children LOVE ice cream treats!!

 This little one is a spiller! Every outfit has food on it!

The gardens were lovely BUT my mind is beginning to think of HOME!!

Almost all of our friends have left...
So the 14th floor is a bit more quiet than usual...

We had our guide talk to the children about going home and about what to expect at home. 
They listen intently and asked questions!

Here are a few of the families we traveled with!

It has been a joy having Sarah with us!
She is a great helper and loves to play with all of the children!

We went to the noodle place right next door! They were filming a piece on the homemade noodles for a Korean TV show.

The children loved watching all that was happening!

Mia is doing very well! And seems ready to fly to America!
Her voice is no longer a whisper- in fact she is very LOUD!
UPDATE- Total breakthrough! She wants her daddy to carry her AND toss her on the bed! She has come a LONG LONG way!!

The next thing you know we were part of the TV segment for Korean TV!

They talked to the children and filmed them eating the noodles!

It airs on March 8th!

Katie and I are going to do a little shopping with Ann of Red Threads now!
Can't wait!!
Update- we had a successful shopping trip! So glad we had Ann!! We would have gotten lost without her and she let us know when it was a fair price!

Tomorrow- we pack and tomorrow night we fly to the USA! 
GZ to LA!
Can't wait to have a cheeseburger!
(this may be the last post from China...

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