Sunday, January 20, 2013

Meeting Bloggy Friends!!

 It was so wonderful to meet Vickie!! 
We have been internet friends for awhile! I think it started with Journey to Me! and now it is our yahoo support group for older child adoptions!

The big girls really hit it off! Chloe(16 yrs) is Vickie's daughter, then two of Susan's daughters- Claire(12) and Camile(10) plus our our Sarah(12). Their table was super loud and fun! And it was an all English speaking crowd!!

Mia and Phoebe(Vickie's new daughter) enjoyed each other!

Claire and Sarah really hit it off!

The families!
Suzanne with her Grace and new son Anthony!
Susan with her Claire, Camile and then her new daughter Caitlin!
Me with Sarah, Mia and Melissa!
Vickie with Phoebe (Chloe was taking pics)!

It has been nice to have the support of other families!
Especially those that have been there done that kinda families!
Thank you Jesus for providing other families to process adoption issues with!

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