Saturday, January 26, 2013

Medical Appointments for All Three Girls!

They all did great at the medical appt!!
It was crowded but they happily went from station to station.
Mia got her vaccinations- I almost forgot that she needed them because she is actually 11 but we are planning to make her 9 or 10- so I think of her as younger now.

Melissa's left eye is much weaker than her right. She had to go to another eye exam staion to have it checked out. We will recheck once we are home. She could be our first little one with glasses!

And then it was Madeline's turn and... by golly her left eye is super weak, too.
In this pic she is trying to cheat to figure out which way the fingers are pointing.

Height?  a whole lotta nothin! I just know she is our littlest girl and we love every inch of her!
We'll do all their measurement at home!

She needs an eye exam when we get home too!
Okay, maybe two in glasses!

Madeline is tiny to us. 
She is wearing size 5 clothes and they are a bit big. 

Here is the infamous Chinese squat!
Melissa fell asleep on the bus in this position!

It true! They actually have a vending machine for wine at the medical clinic!

Madeline has completely come out of her shell. She is happy, giggly, silly and full of energy!

Mark packed his bags and as trying to get ready to leave. But as you can see he has quite the fan club!

No one wanted to say goodbye to him...

Mark and his peep!

Changing of the guard! 
Mark goes home and Katie has arrived!

As far as the children go these big sibs are as cool as can be!
Which has then made the Babba and the Momma pretty okay in every ones world!
Things are going really GREAT!!


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