Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our Secret Garden in China!

So sorry about skipping a blog day or two! I was temporarily out of commission- I ate something that did not agree with me and ended up in the hotel clinic getting IV fluids. I am back in the room now and on the mend. So thankful we brought helpers to China! Hubby and Mark handled everything with the girls!!

Melissa is doing GREAT! She is a joy and hysterical- tons of personality!!
She shows affection to us and to her big brother. No problem with bonding!!
She is a hoot to play "war" with and she always wins!
Thank you Jesus!

 Everyday we have been going to the garden with our friends and feeding the fish!

The children all play so nicely together- those that speak English and those that speak Chinese- they all play!

It is so fun and refreshing to be outside chatting and playing!
Chloe speaks both languages so she spoke to ALL of the children.

And here is when Madeline joined us! It was her first time at the pond feeding the fish!

 She is doing really really well! It is amazing how well they do when they are prepared and sent with the caregivers blessing!
Tears and grieving are part of the process but we have not seen them from Madeline or Melissa.

Yes, I think part of the bread ended up in her mouth! Sorry fishy, you'll just have to do with less today!

All three of the new children love doing this! They all get along very well- no cat fights!

It is such a joy to see all three of them together!

Melissa is repeating English words and doing a really good job trying to communicate with us through sign language, pointing, a few English words and a few Chinese words that we know.
She asks many questions and wanted to know where Sarah is from- she was not satisfied with the answer America. She wanted to know what part of China Sarah was from and was finally satisfied when we answered Jiangsu Province!

It has been so much fun having Vickie's and Susan's family at the hotel. The Moms share stories and advise and support each other. We were all very sad to see them go.

New families arrive tomorrow. It will be nice to meet them.

Plus our Katie arrives tomorrow morning too!

AND we go to Zhuhai Orphanage tomorrow- Madeline's orphanage.
Praying that it goes well and our little girl does not worry that she is going back.

I have said this before and I will say it again- Our GOD is so awesome! Having these children together- just our 3 newbies and Sarah AND then being so kind to allow us to meet people that met everyone's needs(language, socializing, support, etc) has been amazing!

I have said this before and I will say it again- Our GOD is so awesome! Having these children together- just our 3 newbies and Sarah AND then being so kind to allow us to meet people that met everyone's needs(language, socializing, support, etc) has been amazing!

Then there was the other issues such as people have different color skin and we do not stare. They are just like us.
Stay with your Momma and Babba on the way back to America. do not leave them. Tell them if you have to go to the bathroom, do not go alone.
People in America speak English- you will learn English too. Your family will help you! 

It was a great conversation and so helpful!
We added in a few other things for our girls to hear, especially Mia.
We told he that her new parents and family love her and that we understood that she did not know us well enough to love us but in time she will love us.
We told her she could not call the orphanage but maybe later after she had been home for awhile. 
(okay, ya caught me- maybe but probably not)
She acknowledged all she heard- which was very good.

Madeline is opening up more and more! She has an adorable wraspy voice and she loves to giggle and chat away!
All the girls LOVE Mark! He is so much fun and so playful!
He has opened the door for us to get to know our daughters!
Since Mia has been hesitant he is bridging the gap!

The girls know he is leaving on Saturday. They know their biggest sister is coming tomorrow morning!!

Our days are getting better and better with Mia. Baby steps but still in the right direction!
 I was out of commission today(sick) but hubby reported that it was a good day! Which included hand holding, lifting up and smiles- all was intiated by Babba but at least she went with it!)
FYI- She actually returned a smile to me the day before AND pleasantly corrected my Chinese and then giggled at me! All good things!
So Thankful!! 

Yes! Chloe did end up in the pond!
BUT, it was for a good reason- she was rescuing a hacky sack(you know, the feather ones from China).

So to sum it up- we are doing well! Praising God!

(and now it is time for that much needed shower for me ;-)

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