Friday, January 11, 2013

And . . . We're Off!

In a few hours we head to the airport.
I am nervous and excited!
We are almost ready but we have a few things to do on the home front!

The kids are a little concerned about us leaving.
Hoping skype will work so we can keep in touch and all the kids can meet before we get home!

So thankful we have an awesome sitter with the children at home!

We are going to miss them... a lot.

I am not going to show you a suitcase pic... 
YES, I did it AGAIN!
I overpacked...ugh!
I have packing issues...

God is so amazing- I know he will be with us every step of the way!
Giving thanks and praise to HIM!!

Will post again from Beijing!
Prayers are welcomed!!

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