Monday, January 28, 2013

Girls + Shopping = Happiness

We went on a shopping trip with our group!
At first we looked at grown up things... we(the adults) liked it!
But the kids were dragging...


We got a few things for them!!
And then the fun began!

It's amazing what cheap sunglasses and watches can do for a girl when she is shopping!
Mia and Sarah got them too but didn't make the pic!

Nothing like getting a little something new to help with one's attitude!

Mia is so cute with her watch and sunglasses (she chose blue heart sunglasses and a purple watch)- I haven't been able to get a pic of her with them on. She is a 10yr old girl that still wants to play like a 7yr old but is too shy and insecure. 
Every once in a while we can get pics and then she once again shys away.

The night before the shopping trip I dreamed that someone was trying to sell me things I already had.
You see... sometime I don't even remember what I have and don't have... in fact I have bought a shirt for the kids at T*rget and then the next week bought the same shirt. (at least I always have an extra kiddo that can wear it). Kind crazy, I know but hey, I'm busy and may have lost track of a few things.

So I was careful with this shopping trip to TRY not to duplicate what we already have somewhere in our house!

Personally, I think it was a helpful message from God to be  cautious shopper and not waistful!
Hubby was not so sure- he thinks it a message to clean out my jewelry drawer and closet!

We had another luscious meal at McD's! Don't judge! I wish I would have bought their stock when they opened up in China! There is hardly a seat available! It's more popular here than at home. The girls all got an ice cream treat for dessert!

The streets really got crowded around midday. 
We had to hang onto our children so we did not loose them.

Right now they are having a fashion show with their sunglasses, in the other room!
Katie is getting the pics!
Can't wait to see them!
They are so cute and they are all doing so well!

And me? 
I am just so so thankful!

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