Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hello China!

We are in Beijing and everything has gone smoothly!!
The flight was easy from Detroit to Beijing and only half full!
That means we were able to spread out a bit and have two seats to ourselves- truly a treat and super comfortable! 

I read the latest Kay Bratt book (A Thread Unbroken) on the plane and couldn't put it down! Thank you Sue B.!!
Watched one movie and slept, then we arrived! This was our first time in economy comfort and I must say- I liked it a lot!!

Mark was not feeling very good before we left and we asked some prayer partners to pray for him- he is already feeling much better. Just a cold now- thank you Jesus! We almost sent him home during our brief layover in Detroit. He is very happy he stayed with us and is looking forward to this amazing journey!

Once in Beijing we only waited 10 minutes for our hotel shuttle.
They upgraded our room at no extra charge- yay!!

I feel like God is guiding us every step of the way!
So thankful to HIM!!

Today we fly to Hefei! We will meet Mia tomorrow! Of course there is small chance we could meet her tonight but probably not. 
We are so excited!
Our agency prays for their families and with all of you praying too- 
We have such an amazing peace about all three of these precious girls.

We are missing our number one photographer- Katie for our gotcha days photos.  We will do our best to get pics that capture the moment but they won't be quite as good as she would do.

I am going to get Mia's backpack ready now- so we are completely ready when they say "lets go"!! 

This dear girl is about to have her life completely changed...

We often talk with our other children about how they felt at the moment of meeting us. At first they were excited as they left the orphanage but as they got closer to the actual moment they were scared to death. Some looked at us and thought "oh no what have I gotten myself into" others studies our faces and didn't know what to think but they recognized us from the pics we sent.
Some cried, some wanted to see what we brought them in their backpacks and didn't pay much attention to us.
Each deals with the situation differently.
They use what ever coping skills they can to make it through this moment. 

BUT no matter how they first reacted they all remember THAT DAY. Even though their language has completely changed and they have very little memories of their time in China with us they all remember THAT DAY!
The day their lives changed forever.
They day they had their very own forever family.

(BTW they never remember how naughty they were while in China!)

Our children at home have all shared their first thoughts of their new parents. We laugh when we hear what they were thinking! 
Let's just say it's a good thing to bring Sarah- a young cute Asian girl that likes her parents and Mark- a handsome older brother that also likes his parents.
Sarah and Mark make the transition for the new children easier and bridge the gap between these large, old, white people (ouch! yes that's us, Hubby and I).

I am going to sign off now as we prep to fly to Hefei and meet our daughter!

Thank you JESUS!!

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