Friday, November 18, 2011

Wow! What a Day!!

We are back in Cincy and up at 5:00 am MN time but 6:00 am Cincy time!
Pretty much felt like I didn't wake up until the afternoon!
Went to 4 Doctor appts- they all went very well!!

In the afternoon we were blessed by a bloggy friend!
Faye picked up Sam and I and took us to an adorable shopping area and coffee shop!

Sam said to me "Mom, I really like your friend!" he quickly followed up with "I like you, too"
Thanks honey!!

Sam was our photographer! 
So to eliminate the upward, uncomplimentary view we got down on our knees for the pic!

The afternoon was delightful! I loved meeting her and she loved Sam! It was so nice to talk to a friend!

She didn't even comment on the small pimple on the end of my nose!
I told Hubby- I can't believe I'm going to meet a bloggy friend when I have a pimple on the end of my nose! He said give it a week and it'll be gone... excuse me, we are meeting tomorrow! 
He quickly came back with "pimples are youthful"!
What a guy!!
 I believed it!

Now for some incredibly wonderful news!! Two more kids ARE coming home!
We got our TA today!!

We leave in 11 days!


Yes, you read that right!

Holy Cow, I got a lot to do!!

Tomorrow we go home and then it is pack, pack, pack!

China, here we come!!

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