Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Surgery, Recovery and Back In Our Room

Sam's surgery was at 12:30 today. It was a challenge keeping all food and drink away from him  for the morning but we did it@
He is such a sweet little boy!
The nurse asked him- " Sam, What are they going to do?"
Sam answered "I dunno?"
We have talked about it many times but it is hard for him to understand what is happening. He just focuses on the end result- he'll be able to "go" like everyone else.

I am sure he is going to wonder what on earth did they do today and why? BUT, it is all part of a process so this sweet boy can be like the other kids. 

 In my eyes he is already so perfect just the way he is!

He got a little scared and teary before the surgery but he rallied and calmed down. It helped that his nurse was named Sarah just like his big sister Sarah!

Before surgery they asked him his name- Are you Samuel Mulvahill
Nope, he said!
Then they asked how old are you?
At this point I had to interject- Sam you have to tell them the truth or they'll think they have the wrong little boy!
He probably wouldn't have minded if some other poor soul had this surgery instead of him!

His surgery was 4 hours long. It was more complicated than anticipated - poor dear had a lot of inflammation inside due to the unforeseen fistula between the bladder and colon. It amazes me the pain tolerance these children have- we are so glad that we are here where the experts are to help our sweet boy!

We returned to our room at 6:00. He has a little water and a grape popsicle - which ended up on the sheets! No more food for tonight- we're giving his tummy and break!

He is supposed to have minimal activity for A MONTH! Hello, he's a 5 yr old boy! This should be interesting!

The Doctor feels that the surgery went well but does not know if he will be bowel continent yet- we will know that in time... meanwhile- let's pray about it!!

I feel your prayers and am so grateful for your prayers!

Tonight is the national honor society banquet that Johnny and Hubby are at...
Tomorrow is the  State soccer championship...

Yes, I want to be at these events and support Johnny but I know I am right where I need to be! 
Feeling so thankful to God!

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