Friday, November 4, 2011

Homeward Bound!!

When we arrived here and learned that we had the wrong itinerary- we couldn't think straight or have enough time to re-plan. We were supposed to go home tonight- Friday but then they told us we needed to be here for an appt on Wednesday morning. It was such a surprise- we were not prepared at home or here for the change. Hubby (and our sitter during the day) took care of everything at home and I took care of everything here.

Well, now we have been discharged from the hospital and we are sitting in a hotel... many miles from home! Sam is doing okay as long as he is on pain meds. Walking and sitting do pose a problem for him- poor guy. He has a catheter in and will have it taken out on Wednesday morning... here in Cincy. Plus they will also teach a few other things that will help Sam with his recovery.

This little guy really makes the best of things! He is such a good little boy!
Today as we arrived at our hotel- the fog lifted and we realized we were paying to have us stay in a hotel, for food, for transportation, etc. At home hubby has a business trip so we were paying for babysitting on top of that- solution is - Sam and I fly home!

We both are excited to see everyone - especially Mark who flew home for Johnny's game!

I have loved my time with my little boy and we still have 3 trips back here- just the two of us!

BUT, I am also excited to visit with the hubby and let the "play team" entertain Mr. Sam!

So tomorrow morning at 4:30am we will rise and shine and prepare to "go home"!


There are a few people I did not get a chance to see while we were here- I am planning more visiting time during our January surgery trip!!
This trip was spent figuring out what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to be!
In January- I will be a pro!
Thank you for being so kind and wanting to see us!!

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