Wednesday, November 30, 2011

24 Hours Later!

We have only been in Xi'an for 24 hours and we have already received our daughter and have all the paperwork done! Our guide is great and he is ultra efficient!
The people here, are wonderful and everyone is going out of their way to help us! They know we have a shortened time in the province and they are working hard to get it all done!

All of Abby's close friends have left the orphanage to be with their forever families. They were concerned that she would never get a family because of her diagnosis. They were so kind to us and happy for our little girl! We are the ones that are blessed!
They said she was very ready to be with us! Seeing her friends leave made her want a family even more. It helped prepare her for her forever family!
She did not shed a tear or even bother saying goodbye but she does watch where we are at all times!

It has only been 24 hours but so far she is a delight! She is sweet, gentle, mild mannered and obedient. She loves her new clothes, her light up shoes and her new toy!
We will see how I describe her as the days go by and she becomes more comfortable with us!

She can do many things independently but seems to enjoy getting help and allows me to mother her.
I'm thinking she has never brushed her teeth- really has no clue how to do it but is catching on fast!

She is 5.5 yrs old, has never colored before, she does not know her colors in Chinese and cannot count very well. They said she was in little sisters half the sky preschool - this is the first I have ever heard that she was in it. I am excited to get her home and introduce her to the world of learning and new experiences!
We also told her her English name- Abby!
She was not impressed...
We told her it is a very beautiful name in America!
Still not impressed...
Oh well! It'll grow on her... in time!!
I think Abby fits her perfectly!

After we did all our official work we went to an authentic chinese restaurant- a tiny little place with our guide and enjoyed delicious food! Then we walked to a nearby shopping mall and bought a few snacks for the kids and a toy.

Our internet arrangement is working GREAT! Just need to make sure I download only one pic at a time!
So thankful to be able to post and share our journey!

Tomorrow is another big day!!
We visit the orphanage Xi'an orphange! They said I could take pictures so if you have a child there please leave a comment- their chinese name and birthday or email me at I will ask if I can take a picture of your child.
We will only be there for 45 minutes and will be spending most of our time looking at were Abby slept, went to school, etc.
I am sorry I am posting this so late- I will need to hear from you by 8 am which is only 16 hours from now!

After that we will go to the Terracotta Warriors!

Everyone knows how I feel about adoption. I don't want to preach but I really am so thankful to God for guiding us in this direction!
Last night in our hotel they were doing a tree lighting ceremony and a choir was singing Christmas songs.
We pretty much crashed the party, we were underdressed and uninvited. They did not offer the champagne to us!
BUT, a photographer took many pics of Abby as she watched in wonder at the beautiful site.
I just had to thank Jesus - Abby is now free! 
She will be forever loved by a family.
She will get the medical care she needs and we will pray that she will be cured.
She will now have the opportunity to learn and she can dream about her future!

And even more importantly she can be free to openly learn about and love our Lord!
I find adoption to be a miracle- a God miracle!

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