Sunday, November 27, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane!

Ava lost another tooth! She was so excited- unlike the last time!
She is adorable with her missing teeth!

Shoe shopping! While we were at the children's shoe store there were many toys BUT Sarah has grown out of the children's shoes! We stopped next door for her and Ava and Anna improvised- they made toys out of what ever they could find!

The haircuts went well! Sam has a crewcut- kinda! We just love his hair short!!

Thanksgiving was ultra casual at our house. About 4:00 the older kids said... so ahhh, is anybody coming over?? Sorry guys- it's just us with a cameo appearance from Auntie Barbie!
It did feel a little empty but we had so much to do packing for China, getting paperwork ready and preparing our home for the sitter and kids.

Sammy was so so happy to have Billy, Mark and Johnny at home!! He was all about the karate chops and hanging all over them!

Billy just continued on - chatting amidst the activity!
 Johnny had a staring contest with Mr Busy Boy!

Sam is doing so great and healing beautifully from his surgery!

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving! It was 50 plus degrees- the kids spent part of the day playing outside- this weather this fall has been such a blessing!

We are really going to miss these special little treasures.
I try not to think about it and just focus on going to China and getting our babes- Abby and Luke!
I feel so blessed to have these children in our lives- thank you Jesus!

Yes Sammy! You are very very strong!!

We are packed and ready to go!
I failed at packing light- bummer!
But such is life and maybe next time- did I just say that?

No- I do not have anything up my sleeve- but I am waiting on God and praying for his direction.
Praying that both our heart will be moved in the same direction by our almighty God- whichever way that might be?

I just know that we are so happy and that serving HIM is what we both want.

So tomorrow about 10:30 am central time we head to the airport!
Lunch will be here in Mpls
Dinner will be in Detroit
Now if you have flown to China you will understand the planning of the meals-
airplane food is terrible and it takes a little time to find a place in Ch*na where the food works,
hence the meal planning!

We arrive in China late late Tuesday night China time.
We have bkf with friends and then we're off quickly to Xi'an! (I wish we could spend more time in Beijing but we do not have control of the schedule.)
We meet Abby later in the afternoon!
God is so good!! We spend 5 days with Abby before Luke joins us.
I am amazed that soon these dear children will be in our arms!

Thank you Jesus!!

I will post as soon as I can from China!!

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