Sunday, November 13, 2011

China Travel, Sam Update and A Walk in the Woods!

God is so good!! We received Johnny's fingerprint date in the mail on Saturday!! Hubby will be taking him in tomorrow! YAY GOD!!

We are hoping to get our TA this week! It's not guaranteed but likely! We need to go to 2 Provinces and will be gone for 19 days. We could have made it 18 days but we have "business " in Beijing! We will leave on November 28th or December 5th. We are hoping for the earlier days but God is in control and we will go with whatever we get! (Gotcha days would be Abby 12/1 and Luke 12/5  OR  Abby 12/8 and Luke 12/12). IF there is a major problem then we would have to leave after Christmas on 12/26. We can't ask our sitter to have our crew over the holidays and we wouldn't want to be away from them. PRAYIN!!

Sam is doing very well. He is healing nicely and moving around just fine. Poor dear had his whole bottom cut from top to bottom if ya know what I mean. Sitting is still a challenge and he can not part his little legs, in other words no splits! We are returning to Cincy on Thursday, Nov 17-19th. Then we have a break until the end of January when we return to get his colostomy taken down (that's how they say it in the medical world)! I have plans to see a friend during this trip and am thinking that next time would be wonderful if anyone who wants to could come to the hospital! We could say hello to Sammy and then visit in the cafeteria! I would love to meet some Jesus loving, adoption loving, blog loving friends!
With our first trip I felt like I needed to figure things out in Cincy- I had no idea what I was doing. BUT now, it's like a second home and I would love to see people in January!

What did we do this weekend?

First I realized that I needed to have a masters degree in carseats!
Whodda thunk it!
They have made them oh so challenging but once ya figure it out they are easy!
It's just take this old dog a little more time to learn the new tricks!
More on this later!

Then we went for an awesome walk!  We stopped at our friends house who have a new puppy! She was just to cute! Only 9 weeks old and look at how big she is!!
She is just like a teddy bear!!

We have a state forest right by our house and we all loved walking through it!

The trail is hard to see with all the leaves but we managed!

I prefer leaves in the trees BUT this is a different kind of pretty!
Honestly, I don't know how God came up with all this!
It's awesome!!

We used the stroller until we got to the forest and then had Sam walk!
It was so good to get outside and get some exercise! It was 58 degrees- fabulous! The weather is about to change in these parts of the woods (pun- kind of)!

There was even a cute little bridge for us to go over!!

The puppy dogs loved the outing, too!

And now we are frantically trying to get ready for China!!
There are so many wonderful people that we could meet in China- GZ! I am excited to see what God has planned!!

And for the grand finale!
Sarah dragged the little kids through out the house!
They had fun!

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