Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I have another... issue!

After many years I have come to the conclusion that I am a horrible and I mean horrible packer...

It's embarrassing, humiliating, ridiculous and HEAVY!!

Generally I don't forget things- that's not the problem. In fact, I don't forget anything! Why? Because I bring EVERYTHING! So much so- that I often can't find half the things I brought, they are buried somewhere in the suitcase or stashed in some pocket!

I always knew I was not a good packer but when I was younger it was cute, then as I got older it was funny NOW... it's neither... ugh!

As Sam and I have traveled alone to Cincy twice (we are here again for 24 hours) and I am solely responsible for all the things I bring, I have come to the conclusion that IT'S TIME to learn how to pack!
In the past I could rely on my big strong hubby for manuel labor (sorry honey) but not anymore! He's home with the kids and I am traveling with my junior sidekick, Sammy!

The poor dear guy has begged me to pack lighter! Now I know why!

So friends- this is what I need from you!! We are going to China hopefully SOON! There's no time to read a book on 'The Art Of Packing"! (plus I'm a slow reader!)

Please, please give me packing advice! General advice and China specific advice is welcome!

Can't wait to read what you have to say!! I am desperate!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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