Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trusting Him

Hubby and I sat down as we began this adoption and plotted out our target dates. It's fun to try to make some sense of a process that doesn't always make sense! We were amazed at how close our targeted dates were. Each time we where within 3 days of what we had hoped.

But our TA(Travel Approval to Ch*na) doesn't seem to want to cooperate! 

Leaving on the 28th was what we were hoping but that probably isn't going to happen. If our TA comes tomorrow there still may be titch of hope BUT after that our travel date will most likely move to the following week.

It's not wrong for us to hope and pray for a certain date BUT the best part of this whole process is that we are NOT in charge AND that we have prayed often and given it to our GOD! This whole process is in his very capable hands AND at this point only HE knows our travel plans!

We are looking forward to when he will be sharing them with us!

Dear sweet Luke has seen so many of his little friends leave his foster home. It breaks my heart that he has had to wait. 

I am sure Abby has seen many of the children at her CWI leave for their forever families, too.

Soon, dear children, soon it will be your time!
I cannot wait to wrap my arms around these precious treasures!

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