Wednesday, November 16, 2011

HaPpY bIrThDaY LuKe!

Today you are 3 years old (November 18th)! It was my hope that we would be holding you on your third birthday. It didn't quite happen BUT we will be holding you when you turn 3 yrs and 3 weeks!
Thank you Jesus!!

Two years ago you stole our hearts! For two years we have watched from afar the miracles that God has performed in your life. I have been in awe of our MAKER through you! 
For two years I have dreamed about you!
You are a precious gift from God! 

You have grown so much over these last 2 years! This is the picture I saw when I heard God speak "he is you son"!
You look as surprised as I was!

You are walking and talking now!

You go to preschool and your as smart as can me!

You also have great lookin' legs! 
You have a tender heart AND a great sense of humor!
You speak Mandarin and you know some English!

We are so blessed to have so many pictures of you!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

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