Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We Have Her!

It was a whirlwind of a day! Meeting our friends was incredible!! I loved every minute of it and hope to come back just to see them in the future!!
The we boarded a plane to Xa'in and took an hour long shuttle ride to meet our Abby!
We got there and were waiting in the 5th floor hallway when the elevator opened and there she was!

She walked straight up to us- no hesitation!
She is as precious as can be!

She liked all of us but she definitely likes me! She want to sit next to me and have me help her! I love it!
They said she was very excited about her family!

She holds our hands, sits on our laps and she is right where she is supposed to be- thank you Jesus!!

She loved the little gifts we brought!

When we got back to the room and saw there was a crib... for her... her mood changed. Poor dear she fought back the tears but just couldn't anymore. The tears flowed- she let me comfort her.

And we got rid of the crib!

And changed rooms where we have the most ginormous bed I have ever seen!
It sleeps four across- no problem!!

When I saw Abby's picture in May- God said she needs to come home...

God was right!

more later!

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