Friday, November 11, 2011

New Pics and Prayers!

Thank you for all your packing comments!! I have giggled and been motivated!! I am so glad I'm not the only one with this issue!

We have an update on Luke! He is so precious and beyond adorable! I cannot wait to get him in my arms, or at least semi close to wherever I am! I am guessing he will be in Babba's arm's long before he is in mine!

His birthday is coming up soon! I can't believe he is going to be 3 years old on November 18th!

We have asked for an update on Abby but we have already received 2 from a Province that is not good with giving updates so we are counting ourselves lucky and moving forward! We know she is the same size as Anna so buying clothes will be fairly easy! The hardest part is keeping them from Anna before we go to China! She wants to wear everything first that happens to be in the "Anna/ Abby" category!

Please do pray for these two treasures that we are about to get! We know Luke is doing well BUT we really don't know his current heart situation plus he has many cavities which is not good for a child with a heart issue.
We have asked Abby's province to be sure to transfuse her right before gotcha day so she will feel good while we are together in China (which will be 19 days). We will probably have to bring her straight to the ER once we arrive home- so your prayers will we so appreciated!

We are so thankful for the people at Hubby's work that were able to cut and paste and photo shop 3 missing family members into this picture! It feels so good to have everyone together... even if it is just a picture! Thank you Jesus for all our blessings!

We plan to send a copy to Luke and Abby and have a photo pillow made for them of their loving, large and slightly crazy family!!

FYI- Biggest bro Matt(far left), itty bitty Abby and Luke were added in! Thank you so much for to those that worked on it!!

We are also asking for more prayers regarding our TA. Their may be a hitch- Johnny turned 18 in Oct and did not have clearance. Everything had long ago been submitted but this detail was overlooked. We are in process to get this taken care of- and thought we were all cleared to go but now I am not so sure??
It may be holding up our TA.

To be honest- it makes me weak in the knees and my stomach turns- we want to get these dear children home. Please pray that God paves the way and clears up any hiccup that may have happened. Please pray that his perfect timing will be the result and that we travel to China asap!

Thank you!!

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