Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Hitch...

We have some new test results that have changed the plan...

The test this morning showed that Sam has a fistula (small opening between the end of the colon and his bladder. 

The good news- is they will fix it tomorrow in surgery.

The bad news - is we have to stay in Cincy through next Wednesday. We cannot go home on Friday- I am bummed. I am not good at this... I miss home already... I miss the all children, the hubby, my vanilla lattes and everything else that is HOME!! 

I'm trying not to... I am trying to be brave and grown up but it is a challenge. Just want all of you out there that have taken your sweet kiddos to have surgeries, procedures, therapies, etc- that I did not give you enough credit and TLC. I am sorry. But please don't believe in that eye for an eye stuff and please shower my with prayers, comments and TLC.

Last night we stayed at the Marriott! It was quite nice and we had room service! Sammy ate his food in bed!!

He has been too wired to take a nap both yesterday and today.
After this morning procedure he asked if we were all done and going home...ahhh, no!

I am kind of a driven person and used to getting thing done! I love getting things done and I find myself pacing a bit while we wait for one thing or another or another.
Kind of felt like telling everyone- "hey we have some down time lets get this surgery done... now!"

I believe this time in Cincy may be a much needed lesson for me- gulp, 
in patience
a reminder of who's in control
in maintaining peace
in thankfulness

Must we Lord? Really?

One thing we know for sure is that we are in the right place!
They were not able to tell that Sam has a fistula at home- it wasn't until we got here that they discovered it.
We met both Dr's in the late afternoon and they are great!
They are so experienced and professional.
This week they have visiting Dr's from all over the world that will be viewing Sam's surgery through video streaming to an auditorium.

My goodness things have changed since I was an RN.
There are no longer serve 3 meals a day. Instead we order our meals when we want them and then they are delivered to each room individually. I kind of like it - no more wasted food and you get what you want!
The children wear their own jammies to bed and around the hospital. Once he has an IV he will be in the hospital jammies.
If you want something-go get it! The nurses don't do the beds- we do!

Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 12:30-3:30!
Sam's surgery has a 60% success rate.
If it is not 100% successful - where he has complete bowel control- he will go through a bowel management program and learn bowel control/ maintenance through this method. 
They do everything they can do so that the children live a normal life.

Please say prayers for him, for the surgeons and well, for me too- if ya can!
Thank you!!

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