Wednesday, November 30, 2011

24 Hours Later!

We have only been in Xi'an for 24 hours and we have already received our daughter and have all the paperwork done! Our guide is great and he is ultra efficient!
The people here, are wonderful and everyone is going out of their way to help us! They know we have a shortened time in the province and they are working hard to get it all done!

All of Abby's close friends have left the orphanage to be with their forever families. They were concerned that she would never get a family because of her diagnosis. They were so kind to us and happy for our little girl! We are the ones that are blessed!
They said she was very ready to be with us! Seeing her friends leave made her want a family even more. It helped prepare her for her forever family!
She did not shed a tear or even bother saying goodbye but she does watch where we are at all times!

It has only been 24 hours but so far she is a delight! She is sweet, gentle, mild mannered and obedient. She loves her new clothes, her light up shoes and her new toy!
We will see how I describe her as the days go by and she becomes more comfortable with us!

She can do many things independently but seems to enjoy getting help and allows me to mother her.
I'm thinking she has never brushed her teeth- really has no clue how to do it but is catching on fast!

She is 5.5 yrs old, has never colored before, she does not know her colors in Chinese and cannot count very well. They said she was in little sisters half the sky preschool - this is the first I have ever heard that she was in it. I am excited to get her home and introduce her to the world of learning and new experiences!
We also told her her English name- Abby!
She was not impressed...
We told her it is a very beautiful name in America!
Still not impressed...
Oh well! It'll grow on her... in time!!
I think Abby fits her perfectly!

After we did all our official work we went to an authentic chinese restaurant- a tiny little place with our guide and enjoyed delicious food! Then we walked to a nearby shopping mall and bought a few snacks for the kids and a toy.

Our internet arrangement is working GREAT! Just need to make sure I download only one pic at a time!
So thankful to be able to post and share our journey!

Tomorrow is another big day!!
We visit the orphanage Xi'an orphange! They said I could take pictures so if you have a child there please leave a comment- their chinese name and birthday or email me at I will ask if I can take a picture of your child.
We will only be there for 45 minutes and will be spending most of our time looking at were Abby slept, went to school, etc.
I am sorry I am posting this so late- I will need to hear from you by 8 am which is only 16 hours from now!

After that we will go to the Terracotta Warriors!

Everyone knows how I feel about adoption. I don't want to preach but I really am so thankful to God for guiding us in this direction!
Last night in our hotel they were doing a tree lighting ceremony and a choir was singing Christmas songs.
We pretty much crashed the party, we were underdressed and uninvited. They did not offer the champagne to us!
BUT, a photographer took many pics of Abby as she watched in wonder at the beautiful site.
I just had to thank Jesus - Abby is now free! 
She will be forever loved by a family.
She will get the medical care she needs and we will pray that she will be cured.
She will now have the opportunity to learn and she can dream about her future!

And even more importantly she can be free to openly learn about and love our Lord!
I find adoption to be a miracle- a God miracle!

We Have Her!

It was a whirlwind of a day! Meeting our friends was incredible!! I loved every minute of it and hope to come back just to see them in the future!!
The we boarded a plane to Xa'in and took an hour long shuttle ride to meet our Abby!
We got there and were waiting in the 5th floor hallway when the elevator opened and there she was!

She walked straight up to us- no hesitation!
She is as precious as can be!

She liked all of us but she definitely likes me! She want to sit next to me and have me help her! I love it!
They said she was very excited about her family!

She holds our hands, sits on our laps and she is right where she is supposed to be- thank you Jesus!!

She loved the little gifts we brought!

When we got back to the room and saw there was a crib... for her... her mood changed. Poor dear she fought back the tears but just couldn't anymore. The tears flowed- she let me comfort her.

And we got rid of the crib!

And changed rooms where we have the most ginormous bed I have ever seen!
It sleeps four across- no problem!!

When I saw Abby's picture in May- God said she needs to come home...

God was right!

more later!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Becca's Story

This week, Becca shares her journey with us. I love her writing style and how she and her family have evolved in the past year!

"thanksgiving 2010, while visiting my aunt, i picked up a magazine and began to thumb through it. my eye caught a glimpse of the type of decor i love, minimal, clean and modern. i choose to read the article and my first thought was these people are crazy! i handed the article over to my husband whom also loves that type of decor and his thought was the same, beautiful home and crazy lifestyle. on our drive home we started talking about how we should start to get rid of all our junk, that slowly turned into trying out as best as we could at living this lifestyle. we knew all of it wasn’t for us but we tried to began to change. we were a “leave the lights on in all the house, let the water run forever, never recycled type of family.” soon we were making our own dishwashing and laundry soap, bringing all our containers, veggie bags and grocery bags to the grocery store.

i was in process of learning how to sew before finding this article and now really have a passion for up-cycling or refashioning clothing. this is someone who would never set foot in a goodwill (i couldn’t handle the smell).

i find myself actually thinking about things before i throw them away. can i reuse it? should i of even purchased it in the first place? did i really need a bag inside my bag? can someone else use this?

i was so excited for living this way that i thought i should start blogging about it. by the time i got a blog together my zero waste lifestyle was more like a little less waste lifestyle. i decided not to blog about it because i felt like we failed.

my husband was not going for the handmade laundry soap and many times we would forget our bags when we headed to the grocery store.

even though my kitchen does have a few plastic bags in it, i realized we really haven’t failed. my mind set has completely changed. we are not a “leave the lights on, let the water run forever, never recycle type of family.” i think about refusing and sometimes i do. i think about reusing and sometimes i do. i think about recycling and sometimes i do. sometimes is better than never.

we have no desire to live in a big house. we have been fine with one car and hope to get my husband a nice bike. keeping our house clean has been so much easier. my desire to have a clean minimal home has happened. our kids don’t need anymore toys than what fits in their toy box, we too just want to share experiences with them more so than things. i can’t believe it but i actually don’t feel like i need a closet packed full of clothes. i don’t hold on to all my girls art work and church crafts, we take pictures of it.

we really have changed! thank you for your inspiration! if we can change anyone on can!"

We're Here!!

The flight went great!! The best ever!! The plane was not full so we snuck a little extra room and got some shut eye on the plane!

Tomorrow morning we have BKF with friends and then we are on a plane to Xi'an to meet Abby!! I can't believe we are going to meet her tomorrow!! Yayay God!!

We will be for 5 days/4 nights so- if you have any ideas were to go or what to see please leave a comment!! Thank you Julie! We will definitely visit the Terracotta warriors  and the dumpling place!! We are also hoping to go to the orphanage!!

Thank you for your prayers for our journey!! We so appreciate them!!

Will try to post after we get Abby praying it works!!

Blessings to you!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane!

Ava lost another tooth! She was so excited- unlike the last time!
She is adorable with her missing teeth!

Shoe shopping! While we were at the children's shoe store there were many toys BUT Sarah has grown out of the children's shoes! We stopped next door for her and Ava and Anna improvised- they made toys out of what ever they could find!

The haircuts went well! Sam has a crewcut- kinda! We just love his hair short!!

Thanksgiving was ultra casual at our house. About 4:00 the older kids said... so ahhh, is anybody coming over?? Sorry guys- it's just us with a cameo appearance from Auntie Barbie!
It did feel a little empty but we had so much to do packing for China, getting paperwork ready and preparing our home for the sitter and kids.

Sammy was so so happy to have Billy, Mark and Johnny at home!! He was all about the karate chops and hanging all over them!

Billy just continued on - chatting amidst the activity!
 Johnny had a staring contest with Mr Busy Boy!

Sam is doing so great and healing beautifully from his surgery!

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving! It was 50 plus degrees- the kids spent part of the day playing outside- this weather this fall has been such a blessing!

We are really going to miss these special little treasures.
I try not to think about it and just focus on going to China and getting our babes- Abby and Luke!
I feel so blessed to have these children in our lives- thank you Jesus!

Yes Sammy! You are very very strong!!

We are packed and ready to go!
I failed at packing light- bummer!
But such is life and maybe next time- did I just say that?

No- I do not have anything up my sleeve- but I am waiting on God and praying for his direction.
Praying that both our heart will be moved in the same direction by our almighty God- whichever way that might be?

I just know that we are so happy and that serving HIM is what we both want.

So tomorrow about 10:30 am central time we head to the airport!
Lunch will be here in Mpls
Dinner will be in Detroit
Now if you have flown to China you will understand the planning of the meals-
airplane food is terrible and it takes a little time to find a place in Ch*na where the food works,
hence the meal planning!

We arrive in China late late Tuesday night China time.
We have bkf with friends and then we're off quickly to Xi'an! (I wish we could spend more time in Beijing but we do not have control of the schedule.)
We meet Abby later in the afternoon!
God is so good!! We spend 5 days with Abby before Luke joins us.
I am amazed that soon these dear children will be in our arms!

Thank you Jesus!!

I will post as soon as I can from China!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Taking a short break-

from the craziness of packing for China, to blog!

Lists are all over the place and we are constantly coming and going. Seems like I am always thinking of one more thing we need for China!

I am to the point where I am even running the unnecessary errands and getting the unnecessary things! Such as why have I decided at this moment that all the kids need new tennis shoes- I do not know! But, I did and now they have them!

Emma and Ellie desperately wanted light up shoes- they are something to be sout (is that a word?) after in China. It must be only the coolest of cool that get them because all of our children have drooled over them! So- I gave in and bought them a pair- in my opinion they are too old for light up velcro shoes BUT since I have purchased them I have become the BEST MOM in the world! I can do it for that title!! And the look in their eyes as they admire their new shoes!!

Ava, Anna, Sam Abby and Luke all have them too- wow maybe now I'm the BESTEST MOM in the world! Cool! That works for me!!

Sarah had then when she was 9 and 10 and has since moved on to grown up tennis shoes!

I have also come to the conclusion that I will no longer be the appt maker for some family members!

WHY? because every time I make them, they cancel and reschedule! I'm trying not to take it personally- but instead in the future I will tell them to g**gle the number and call as soon as possible!
I made an appt for Johnny yesterday at 3:00 to go to the ortho and get his bottom retainer re put on! He said to me- MOM, that's a Friday- I don't do appts on Fridays after school.
I said- Nooooo, it's a Tuesday not a Friday.
He said- No, it's a Friday because we don't have school the next day.
I said- I know you don't but it's a Tuesday...
and so on!
You get the point!

Right now I have 3 boys at the barbers! (I was supposed to have four- see previous paragraph!)
Sammy went with his big brothers- Mark and JOhnny to get haircuts. He was so cute with his big bros!! Oh man, imagine Luke in the mix- I'm melting!!
I have no idea what my boys will look like most likely I will think they should have cut it shorter but whatever!

A little adoption update- we leave on the 28th and will have Abby in our arms on the 30th!! It was originally scheduled for the 1st but the orphanage changed it. Can't wait!!

It snowed last weekend- the kids were thrilled!! Ava and Sam had not experienced snow? That surprised me since they are from Henan?

I was not so thrilled at the thought of bundling up 6 kiddos for an outside playtime but it ended up worth it! They had a blast and we ended up getting the mudroom closet cleaned!

Oh, and the Hubby's b-day went great! (Whew)
Thank you for the wonderful wishes!! He loved them!!

God Bless Your Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Zero Waste can save and make you money this holiday season!

Long before I ever heard about the term, businesses adopted Zero Waste to make their processes more efficient and financially wise.
Graphics by Leo Johnson
In the home the same is true. I have mentioned the monetary benefits that this lifestyle has afforded my household before, but I want to go into specifics, on how it can save money, and even make a profit this holiday season! This time of the year can be a source of financial stress during these trying economic times, but ZeroWaste can afford relief. Here are concepts that I introduced in earlier posts and how they translate to holiday savings and potential revenue.

Zero Waste will save you money this holiday season by:
  • Curbing consumption: Using what you have is obvious, but I know how tempting the holidays can be! The best waste prevention is not spending at all, and not spending at all offers instant savings! Use a potted plant as a Christmas tree, and yard clippings or edibles as table decorations. You probably do not need new ornaments either…
  • Focusing on activities vs. stuff: You can offer your expertise or services (i.e., your time) as gifts. Usually older people need a hand, more than they need stuff. Hold on to your dollars and offer your creativity, cooking, manual skills, mobility or time instead. Offering repairs or beauty care will please the elderly, for example.
  • Buying used (if you must buy): Thrift stores, rummage sales and online secondhand markets (Ebay, Etsy, Craigslist) undeniably offer affordable gifts and decorations.
  • Buying groceries in bulk: Since bulk is generally cheaper, celebratory meals for company will cost you less.
  • Eliminating disposables (keep your money out of the landfill): Reusable gift bags and Furoshiki squares offer cumulative savings over the years. No need for wrapping paper or tape.
  • Turning your waste into useful gifts: You can make lemon bars, marmalade, lemoncello with excess lemon harvest, turn junk-mail or kids artwork into stationery, melt bits of old candles, soap or crayons into new shapes, use corks for a bath mat and sew rags (i.e., worn-out clothing) into gift bags. I will be making the latter for family and friends.
  • Reducing activities that support consumption: Avoiding the mall and decreasing media exposure (tv, and magazines) will ease the shopping temptations and spending binges as well.
  • Reducing your paper output: E-mailing your Holiday card or video you’ll be saving material, shipping, and printing costs. This year, our kids will be “elfing” themselves for a comic custom video.

Zero Waste can even make you a profit by:
  • Participating in collaborative consumption, i.e., sharing seldom used assets: You can rent your dwelling (through VRBO or Airbnb) and car (through Getaround or Relayrides) this holiday season and make a profit. We take full advantage of this aspect as mentioned here and on Twitter. The process is evidently easier once you have decluttered, but the potential revenue is HUGE!
  • Sharing unused resources with others (see post on decluttering): It offers an opportunity to not only re-gift (instead of buying new) but also, and preferably, sell these items for a profit. And the holiday season, is the best time to do so, since Ebay, Amazon and Craigslist can bring you many more buyers than the rest of the year. Green shoppers looking to buy used hope to find your unused items in the secondhand market!
  • Recycling and composting: The holiday season also usually means more consumable consumption, which increases recycling in the home. Why not save your recyclables, and take them to the recycling center for redemption after the holidays instead of throwing them in the curbside recycling bin? Instead of costing you money, recycling could make you money!
  • Controlling clutter: If you get a gift that does not fit your needs, relieve yourself from the gift guilt. Don’t let anything that you do not need or love, take root in your home, let others use it: Sell it!
ZeroWaste has taken the financial stress out of my holidays. It did not remedy my anxieties overnight, rather over a couple of years as we slowly implemented and understood the full advantages of the lifestyle, but today it engages my creativity and pays back! Now that’s one advantage we did not foresee when getting into this.Can you think of other ways that Zero Waste will save you money this holiday season?

Could Ya Help Me Out Here!?! EDITED!

We have been married for almost 30 year and I have never done this before...

I have never does this with any family member...

I can't believe I did it TODAY!

Yes, there are many things going on right now. 
I have many thoughts in my head- Sam's surgery and recovery, traveling back and forth to Cincy. Thanksgiving- which I can't believe is already here. 
Packing and preparing to go to China in less than a week.
AND, thoughts of Christmas do enter my mind- can't prepare now but praying it will go well.

Excuses, yes, they are all excuses!

Usually men do this... not the ladies, we would never do this!

BUT, today I just did...


Ahhhhhhhh, I can't believe I did that!

Luckily, he has a great sense of humor and quickly covered for me! 
He lead the children in a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME song!
(as I sunk in my seat)

So could you please help me out here!
Would you wish my dear hubby, Jim, a Happy Birthday!

It's also our oldest son's birthday! MAtt!
I technically didn't forget his big day because he lives in another state and I have time to call him later and wish him a Happy B -Day!
Yep- first born child and hubby share a birthday! I think maybe I'll remind him of the gift that I gave him 28 years ago!
I have recovered well- hubby has a cake, we'll have a family dinner and I have a few gifts for him- whew!

He/they will love your messages!
Thank you!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wow! What a Day!!

We are back in Cincy and up at 5:00 am MN time but 6:00 am Cincy time!
Pretty much felt like I didn't wake up until the afternoon!
Went to 4 Doctor appts- they all went very well!!

In the afternoon we were blessed by a bloggy friend!
Faye picked up Sam and I and took us to an adorable shopping area and coffee shop!

Sam said to me "Mom, I really like your friend!" he quickly followed up with "I like you, too"
Thanks honey!!

Sam was our photographer! 
So to eliminate the upward, uncomplimentary view we got down on our knees for the pic!

The afternoon was delightful! I loved meeting her and she loved Sam! It was so nice to talk to a friend!

She didn't even comment on the small pimple on the end of my nose!
I told Hubby- I can't believe I'm going to meet a bloggy friend when I have a pimple on the end of my nose! He said give it a week and it'll be gone... excuse me, we are meeting tomorrow! 
He quickly came back with "pimples are youthful"!
What a guy!!
 I believed it!

Now for some incredibly wonderful news!! Two more kids ARE coming home!
We got our TA today!!

We leave in 11 days!


Yes, you read that right!

Holy Cow, I got a lot to do!!

Tomorrow we go home and then it is pack, pack, pack!

China, here we come!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

HaPpY bIrThDaY LuKe!

Today you are 3 years old (November 18th)! It was my hope that we would be holding you on your third birthday. It didn't quite happen BUT we will be holding you when you turn 3 yrs and 3 weeks!
Thank you Jesus!!

Two years ago you stole our hearts! For two years we have watched from afar the miracles that God has performed in your life. I have been in awe of our MAKER through you! 
For two years I have dreamed about you!
You are a precious gift from God! 

You have grown so much over these last 2 years! This is the picture I saw when I heard God speak "he is you son"!
You look as surprised as I was!

You are walking and talking now!

You go to preschool and your as smart as can me!

You also have great lookin' legs! 
You have a tender heart AND a great sense of humor!
You speak Mandarin and you know some English!

We are so blessed to have so many pictures of you!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!