Sunday, March 11, 2012

Upcoming Surgery

I am trying not to be nervous...
The Drs seem to feel comfortable with their plan.
I just wish he didn't have to have open heart surgery...
It is so intrusive, cannot be taken lightly and recovery is hard...

He is such a delightful little boy! 
We are so blessed to have him in our family!

He got his haircut last week. Along with Emma, Sarah, Ava and Sam.
They did an okay job- but he is so cute no matter what!

Surgery is Tuesday, March 13th- at 7:30am.

Please pray that all goes well, the blockage is cleared, the surgery is uneventful and the results are good!

We have a few children with colds in our house and we are trying to keep them away from Luke. We want him healthy and ready to go on Tuesday morning!

God Bless YOU sweet boy!
We love you so much!

Luke is admitted on Tuesday and Abby will be admitted on Thursday. She is having a chelation, transfusion and a port put in so the next chelation can be done at home! (YAY)

I'll be hopping between floors and children. My sister will also be coming so she can stay with one while I'm with the other one!

After this our hospital time should decrease significantly! 

Thank you JESUS for your blessings!

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