Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Donor Search IS ON!

We went to the play "The Secret Garden" today! I was so happy to be able to go since I was originally supposed to be at the hospital with Mr Luke.
(BTW the Drs made a good choice. He is continuing to have an even deeper cough, runny nose and low grad fever- we will be going to the DR tomorrow, so they can listen to his lungs!)

The play was fantastic! We had previously read the book (abridged version) and saw the movie!
The children were able to follow along because they knew the story!

Abby has done so well for the last 2 1/2 weeks!
She is making great strides with learning and attitude since her dental work has been done(no more rotting teeth) AND since the parasite is gone (she was on 3 different antibiotics in order to get rid of it)!
She is like a new person and it has been such a blessing!
This little girl is such a great little girl- her true self is beginning to emerge and OH MY- do we love what we are seeing!

About 2-3 days ago she started to say-
"Momma, I'm tired"
"Momma, I'm tired"

Before that she was keeping up with everyone and was not missing a beat!

There has been a dramatic drop off in her energy level.
I'm not sure if it is her hemoglobin or if she is coming down with the family cold... or both.

Hubby is with her now at the hospital. She is getting a transfusion overnight and then a port put in - in the morning.
They will return home around lunch time and then a nurse will come to our house and begin the chelation process through the port.

We are so thankful to be able to start doing this at 

It will be best for ALL the children!

Thank you Jesus!!

As you can see in the pic our little Abby is completely out of gas...
She declined gymnastics today and sat with Mom instead...

AND now for the most important part of this post-
 They have started to search for a bone marrow donor for ABBY!!


At this time there are enough caucasian people on the list...





Thank you to the many families that have offered!
The problem is-

The donor must be 18 years or older.

PLEASE encourage the Asian (especially the Chinese) population near you to volunteer to donate!

They will put them on the 


Whether or not they will be called to donate- only God knows...

BUT please please encourage them!

ABBY'S life depends on it!

They are truly giving the gift of life!

I have sent a letter and photo album of Abby with her forever family to her orphanage.
In the letter we asked IF by chance they know of any family members...
 I know it's a huge "shot in the dark" but we had to try...

Miracles DO happen with GOD!

We also encouraged others in China that knew Abby to get on the 



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