Monday, March 19, 2012

The Pantry is Now Safe!

Good news! The pantry door is now safe to open and close without the risk of something falling on top of you! To be honest, the longest part was taking everything out and organizing it, but it was definitely well worth it.

This is how the pantry/closet/staircase looks when totally empty.

My great hubby cleaned it all out - vacuuming and wiping it all down.

Here's the chaos that ensued all over the kitchen. It was not a pretty sight...

And here's an "after" of the food cabinet. I still need to pretty it up and add labels, but at least it's functional and we can find what we need. The only money I spent on this project was the $10 little drawers from Target on the middle shelf, every other container or box was something that I already owned. Yay for being cheap!

And then there's the pantry closet. It may not seem like such a major before and after, and like I said, I still need to pretty it up, but the difference for me is Huge! Each shelf/step actually make sense now.

 And it's incredible to see how much empty space there is now.

I threw out everything that had expired and gave away some stuff that we don't use to my sister. After that, everything sort of fell into place and now it all makes sense.

And here's a before and after just for fun:

What did you tackle over the weekend? Any spring cleaning or fun organizing projects?

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