Friday, March 30, 2012

48 hours Post Op!

48 hours post op and they are already talking to us about going home!

His chest tubes came out today and he is taking walks.

He eats, he poops, he pees, he walks and needs very little pain med.

They can't think of any reasons to keep him in the hospital.

Sunday will most likely be the day.

Maybe Monday?

Did you know you can't lift a child who has just had heart surgery under the arms?

Me neither.

I found out (cringe) after I did it (cringe again).

They need to be scooped up with one arm under their body and the other behind their shoulders. 
It makes sense. 

 I just need to make sure that none of the children try to lift Luke (and another cringe), once he gets home.

Thanking God for this little boy!!
(And for HIS handi work in the OR!)

Thank you to my wonderful friends and their children that stayed at my house while I went to the hospital!!

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