Thursday, March 29, 2012

24 hours post op!

Countless tubs have been removed from this cute little patient!

He was very very happy to have the catheter out!

He is awake, alert but takes occasional naps.

FYI- if you happen to stand in front of the TV he will let you know-
move, move, can't see!

oops! so sorry!

Of course the nurses LOVE him!

They have never seen such a mellow 3 year old boy!

He is eating and drinking today!

Tomorrow the chest tubes may come out.
Once they are out the children can get out of bed and move about.

It was so good to see him this afternoon!
He called out,
"Mommy, Mommy" and gave me a big hug!

He was not happy with me when I left.
The nurse said "Tell Mommy I love you"

He said "no"...

He has the cutest personality.
I know he loves me and I know he is right, 
a mommy should be with her baby when he is in the hospital.

But... Daddy is there and I need to hold down the fort at home.
It was so wonderful to be with him!
Can't wait to see him tomorrow!

The nurses said that sometimes when the chest tubes are removed the children don't feel quite as good.
It's all a balance of pain meds, rest, a little activity and lots of time to heal.

We are so thankful for each day of healing


so thankful for your prayers!

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