Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Fun Weekend

Luke, Luke look at Momma...
Hellooooo, excuse me. 
Luke look over here!

Very funny, Luke...

Thank you Luke!

It was so nice to do something fun with the children! We went to the zoo last weekend!
Abby and Luke loved it- it was their first time!

There was quite a crowd looking at the bears but the children are good at making their way through the crowd and getting a front row view!

Oh my, I love them so much I think that even the backs of their heads are adorable!

Abby has forgotten how to smile and Sam keeps shutting his eyes- he's trying so hard not to that he ended up crossing his eyes!

Luke loves to be lifted up for a better view!
And yes that is a bruise on his check.
He got it right as his two black eyes were healing!
He tends to lead with his head  ;-)... as he falls...

Oh dear Lord - thank you for these blessings!

The zoo never seems to get old!

I love to look at the world from the eyes of a child!
Everything is so amazing! So full of wonder and excitement!

Yes, we will need to watch him like a hawk after his heart surgery. 
It will take 6 weeks for his chest to heal.
Wednesday(3/28) is the day of surgery and he is very healthy... right now... and hopefully will be then, too!

Ellie is doing so well. She is learning to read. 
It's slow go but she is making nice progress!

It was a beautiful and fun day!

Our little rule breaker and climber almost made it into the prairie dog cage!

The monkey bars are really hard and the children come home from China with no muscle development.
Ellie and Anna have worked hard in gymnastics to be able to do this!

Although I did not get a picture- Emma can do it too!
We are so proud of all of the children!

Once he is all healed up he will join in the family activities-
gymnastics, swimming and karate.
I am planning on putting Luke in preschool next fall. Just 2 afternoons a week.
I love homeschooling but I also love preschool and want him to have the experience.

YES, he fell and landed right on his forehead. And yes, that is a Dora bandaid he is sporting... it's the only bandaid I had ;-)

Once again, loving the zoo with the children!!

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