Thursday, March 1, 2012

Playroom Complete (for now!)

And now for a picture-overloaded post about the playroom. Just to keep in mind, this project was done before I started blogging and most definitely did not take just a week to complete. But with the magic of the internet, here it is.

Just to remind you, this is what it looked like before:

And standing at the same spot now:

Now I will take you on a tour around the room. I think I kept pretty close to the original design and floor plan.

As you first come down the stairs, you turn to your left and see the trofast storage system. We keep the bigger, bulkier toys in the blue bins on the sides, dolls and their accessories in the medium size white bin, and all the little toys that don't seem to have a good place in the smaller white one.

On top, we have a box (from Target) for instruments and my son's tool boxes. (Yes, that's plural!)

Coming up next is the dress up area. The outfits and dresses are hanging on hangers from Ikea and the miscellaneous hats, wands, etc. are in a basket below. The mirror is hanging right next to everything so the kids can get a good look at themselves :-)

To zoom in on the shelf, there's a hand-held mirror, crown and a small jewelry box.

Turning the corner, you'll get to the "house" area - baby swing and stroller, shopping cart, and kitchen.

We have too much play food and dishes to fit in the cabinets and drawers so these containers help control the clutter. They also make sure that we only keep whatever fits inside.

Around the corner is the arts and crafts area. We repurposed our old kitchen table and got two chairs to go with it. All the coloring "stuff" is above it. You can see it's starting to get out of hand, but every so often we go through it and get rid of stuff that we no longer use. I got a lazy susan and glued little buckets from Target's dollar spot on top to hold markers, crayons, colored pencils and more. There's an easel in the corner - one side is a chalkboard and the other a white board (from Ikea) that we can just slide out whenever someone wants to use it.

A close up of the coloring chaos. (Say that ten times fast!)

Right next to the table is the designated toy closet. We've got board games, and tons of bins for various toys. The top shelf is play-doh and some of our board games (most are upstairs in the living room).

The next shelf has Polly Pockets, My Little Ponies, and Handy Manny.

 Next shelf has Crystal Climbers, Barbie and Lego.

And the bottom shelf has cars, Thomas train tracks, and Little People. The big pieces of the Little People stuff sits on the floor around the shelves.

There are a few shelves on the side of the closet that hold other various toys and games that aren't used as often.

There's another storage closet to the right and in between the two we have a magnetic board to display any recent drawings.

Turn the next corner and you'll find our book shelf and stereo (we're still old school!). The kids love to dance and listen to music while they play, and we also have a few story CDs that they can follow along with the book. The bottom two shelves have books and the top shelf and above have puzzles.

And you've all already seen how we organize our trucks.

The couch is next to the truck garage - perfect for story time and snuggling. You can see a bit of the rug in front of the couch that is perfect for car and truck driving!

On the other side of the couch is a small play table, right now holding a cash register (that wasn't staged) so the kids must have been in the middle of playing store.

Last up is the ball corner. I got a pop-up hamper from Ikea for holding all the balls and the mini basketball hoop sits here, too. We don't use the closet behind it too much but it's no problem to move the hoop when we need to.

And finally is hubby's office nook - file cabinet, book shelf and crazy desk. Not that he can actually do his work here... (Luv ya, hon!)

Phew! We came full circle. I'm glad you stuck around to the end! Let me know if you have any questions about anything. I'll do a more detailed post in the future.

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