Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Hubby and I are a tag team. We have limited babysitting this week since our sitter is on spring break.

I was able to get to the hospital for a few hours to see Luke. 
I was quite nervous. The surgery went well but but but...
well, you know-
 mothers tend to worry...
I prayed and prayed for our dear boy.

Thank you, thank you, for your prayers and we will gladly accept more for his recovery.

When I arrived he was on a ventilator and an external pacemaker.

As the younger children said when they saw the pics- wow, he's hooked up to a lotta stuff!

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Within on hour of me being there he woke up, he was taken off the vent and the NG tube.
Next the external pacemaker was turned off and Luke's sweet heart beat on it's own! Within a few minutes it was in a beautiful rhythm!


He was shaking his head yes and no and being his wonderful mellow self!

He is resting most of the time.
But woke up and had a talk with Daddy/ hubby.

They said about 3:00am the children tend to "wake up".

Hubby has the night shift ;-)

Oh, my goodness do I love this little boy!!

AND I know that he is very very loved half way across the world!

His O2 sat is 99% and all other vitals are looking good!

Can we have another-


I am at home now. 
Abby is starting her 2nd chelation at home. We are so thankful that we can do this at HOME!!

Have a mentioned


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