Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

We have been blessed with beautiful weather!
It's not all bad not having surgery today!
It was such a nice day- 65 degrees! 
 And it was such a pleasure to finally enjoying the fresh air and some outside play!

We still have some left over ice and snow on the north side of the house.

So then... what do you do?
You go sledding!

In shorts!

All of the children were filled with a refreshing energy!

It was such a blessing!

In fact Ava even...

learned to ride a bike today!

She was so ready and eager to try!

This is Ellie's bike.
Her bike is actually smaller BUT with training wheels.
We still need to figure out the bike situation at our house!

It's a little wet and sloppy BUT so so much fun!

I think we will have quite a few new bike riders this year!

Anna and Abby are quite bonded!
It is so cute... except when anna decides she wants to wear Abby's outfit!
Then Abby is totally baffled and comes up to me with a questioning look and says "Anna"?

Everyone is cheering Abby on! She can ride a tricycle BUT a bike is new to her!
It's all in the pedaling!

Ava also learned to jump rope today!
She was thrilled with her new talents!
We were too!

YES, Luke is looking quite short!
What a cutey!
He does have a cough, a clear runny nose and a low grade temp.
The Doctors made the right choice.
We are rescheduled for Wednesday, MArch 28th.
IF he is not doing GREAT by that time we will once again... reschedule.

God has a plan and we need to trust him.

Emma has smiled so much today!
Which of course makes me so happy!
The weather and activities have agreed with her!

We sat outside on the front patio and I read to the children!
Ahhhh, what a wonderful life it is!

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