Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Making life work!

Abby had her port put in on Thursday morning. It is a short surgical procedure but she needed to go through recovery before coming home. The site is very painful for  48 hours. We kept her medicated for pain.

The home health care nurses came in the evening and set up her chelation.
The back pack was heavy and her site was sore.
We had her take it EASY and REST.

The good news was by the next morning the bag was significantly lighter because it had infused overnight!

She did better and better each day!

On Saturday eve the nurse came back and unhooked it.

I am an RN with an expired license. I may learn how to do this without having to have a nurse visit and then again, 

I may not.

Sometimes it's just nice to be Mom...

As a nurse- once you learn it, it is so simple and doable.

BUT the whole experience is rather emotional and... well...


All the nurses, Drs and support staff are so kind and helpful. They really try to make it work for us.
I am so thankful, if we had struggles with medical staff- I think I'd have to cry.
The challenges are so great already.

The other children were so kind and so helpful to Abby.
It is heartwarming to see them help her!

Luke stayed inside and played with her while the others took a break and enjoyed the nice day.

We are constantly evaluating his cough- hoping and praying to get his surgery successfully done and get him on the road to recovery!

Abby was looking much better by Saturday evening!

We celebrated St. Paddy's day with green frosted cupcakes!

They were tasty and messy!

Emma has been doing better lately!

More smiles, a little more talking and just seems to be more content!

We are going to LOVE the port and having the treatments done at home!!


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