Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Good To Go!

He is healthy and good to go!

The pre op went smoothly.

Surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am.

And yes, that is a semi fake smile for y'all!
He's no fool...
He knows what's goin on...

He and we would prefer this not be necessary...

And no amount of bribery is going to make this all better...
not even a freezy...

But, oh my isn't he just the cutest little guy in the world...
well, not counting your little guy... 
of course!

Please pray!

The Doctor said...

that after this surgery Luke will have a normal activity level and life span...

Can you believe it?

Only GOD!!


If you have followed him, you know his surgery in Israel was nothing short of a miracle!

Praise be to God!

I will update you tomorrow- Wednesday 3/28.

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