Friday, February 24, 2012

Today is a New Day!

Today I woke feeling the power of all of your prayers. It was refreshing and a "full of hope feeling"- 
it. was. good!

Thank you, thank you for your prayers! 
They mean so much to us!

Somehow every thing always looks better in the morning! I know it's God! He is so all over this- HE is way ahead of me, way ahead of us, HE has her covered and we are so grateful to HIM!

Thank you for sharing our prayer requests. I completely believe that our Lord hears your pleas and petitions and that when many pray- HE hears us! 
HE is a mighty God and He can heal our sweet girl!

We are so thankful she is home with her forever family!

Yesterday was a tough day. I could barely speak and Abby would often look over at me wondering what was wrong with her Momma. 
She watched way to much TV as I processed all the new information.

But today was a NEW DAY and was full of HOPE!

She is tolerating the Chelation medication. Her urine is bright red from the iron leaving her body- Yay God!!

She will most likely feel pretty good up until we begin the bone marrow transplant and that is not for awhile.

She may have periods of extreme fatigue depending upon how frequently she has her transfusions. If my hemoglobin got as low as hers does I'd be lucky to get outta bed!

She is such a trooper and still seems to keep up with the other children.

She has a new puppy dog friend and we've worked on puzzles, play doh, baby einstein movies (to try to get her to start speaking english), taken many walks, played in the playroom, painted and even-

riden a tricycle down the hallways of the hospital!
It is currently parked in our room- I think she's laying claim to it while she's here!

Abby and Luke will be anointed after church on Sunday!

We also found out that Abby's MDS is not linked to a chromosomal abnormality. I don't really know the significance of this information and the Dr seemed as if it didn't really matter.

She did say that it is important to get as close a match as possible for the bone marrow transplant to take. This means that her donor has to be of the same ethnicity(Chinese) and have 7 other markers that match. Thank you to those that have offered to be a donor. You are so kind and your generosity is noticed and appreciated.

Hubby and I have switched places tonight- he has hospital duty and then they will come home tomorrow- Saturday! YAY!

It was hard to leave her but once all the other children cheered and told me how much they missed me I knew we did the right thing!
Abby was very excited to spend some time with Daddy and show him how she can pedal!

It is so good to see the children and hug them!
I sometimes don't feel worthy of so much love! These dear children are such a blessing!

We are looking forward to all being together on Saturday!!

Once again we are so thankful for your prayers and so grateful to our GOD!!! 

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